Sunday 1 July 2012

The secret Donald Trump, Bill Gates and Carlos Slim did NOT want you to know!

For every two minutes of glamour, there are eight hours of hard work. Jessica Savitch
All will be exposed! No stone will be left unturned! I am about to reveal the greatest conspiracy designed to keep 75% of our population academically, financially and relationally constrained!

My intention in this post, is not to inspire a coup against Microsoft or the Trump Tower, but quite the opposite, I am about to set you free! 

I fundamentally believe this post will inspire you to greatness, and break the shackles created to restrain you from becoming the next founder or CEO of the new Tech company or the best academic student in your entire school, college or university or obtaining that managerial promotion at work.

The world has been fed a lie! We have been sold a lie and we have all purchased it with our pocket money. We have been conditioned to believe that only a select few can be successful or achieve greatness. 

Were you told that you would never achieve an A grade at mathematics? It’s a lie
Were you told, that your business idea would never flourish? It’s a lie
Were you told that you would never be suitable for that promotion? It’s a bloody lie

Its about time we stood up to these dream killers - Let us prove them wrong! 

You can be the next Bill Gates!
You can become the highest achieving student at your institute!
In fact you can do ANYTHING you want! - Just like the infamous rapper NAS said in his song “I know I can, be what I wanna be, if I work hard at it, I’ll be where I wanna be”

Work Hard, Hard Work - This is what they have failed to tell us is the key to unlocking your future.

Hard work means going the extra mile, working over the 8/9 hour threshold and giving your all. As Chris Evan Hughes once noted “I believe in work, hard work, and long hours of work. Men do not breakdown from overwork, but from worry and dissipation”. Hard work will not kill you! It simple helps us to get one step closer to our goal. How bad do you want it?

Are you willing to graft to prove those people who have doubted you?
Are you willing to stay up reading and studying?
Are you willing to dedicate multiple hours to developing your business dreams?
Are you willing to stop believing the lies?

Colin Powell quoted "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work".

Good luck

Monday 25 June 2012

There is no reason in 2012 to do shit you hate!!!

Get off your backside and get hustling!

Inch by inch, step by step

Inch by inch, step by step... the champion appeareth!!!

Can we get much further?
Is it possible to climb a little higher?
Can we move an inch forward?
Can we push a tad bit harder?

All is possible, but will you attempt?

40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes

Kinda cool! Get motivated! Which one gets your blood pumping?

Sunday 17 June 2012

Find your love...

I have never claimed to be a romantic nor one who has a clue about the ethics of love and relationships. However, if you asked me, to make a statement or give you a definition of 'Love' , I would puff out my chest, I would straighten my back and in my most Shakespearian accent [just to make it sound a little bit more romantic and powerful] I would utter this profound statement "...I have no clue". 

I once read an article, which said, if you can define Love, you clearly don’t know what it is! Love is not something we understand, its portrayed and exemplified in various way, by various people.

I witnessed my brother getting married this weekend and to be honest, it really touched the eye watering nerve. To stand and witness two couples gaze lovingly into each others eyes and seem to get carried away into their own little magical world of private jokes and giggles as they held hands in from of their audience. "You are now husband and wife" said the vicar...and they couldn’t even wait for him to say you may now kiss the bride... Bliss! Do NOT give up on the idea of LOVE and companionship. Cherish and nuture your relationships! 

Many of us have witnessed or been involved in what we may refer to as tragic relational experiences, however I would like to encourage you not give up on idea of love and companionship... as Sara Dessen states “There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.” For those who have experienced love or are currently in love, I am sure you would agree that it has the ability to ...make you so vulnerable. "It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up." (Neil Gaiman) However, this is the risk we are willing to take for the possibility of attaining the greater picture of life long companionship or marriage, happiness and fulfilment.

Be willing to be vulnerable...thats the moment where you are able to give everything you are in order to make your relationship work. We all know relationship can be a daunting exercise, however, they can also be a source of inspiration, support and a shoulder to cry on. 

Alfred Tennyson once quoted “Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.” 

Find your love