Monday, 31 January 2011


Interesting fact: the average male will produce roughly 525 billion sperm cells over a lifetime and shed at least one billion of them per month. A healthy adult male can release between 40 million and 1.2 billion sperm cells in a single ejaculation. Think about it!  Between 40 million and 1.2 billion sperm cells. WOW! – Now look in the mirror and say ‘well done’ – You are living proof, that every single living organism embodies the champion and competitive spirit.  You were born a Champion and are still a Champion.

Champions are generally defined as ‘One that is clearly superior and has the attributes of a winner’ or one who ‘defies or challenges’. Which are you? The championship title is not released over night. Championship is a [process].

In my quest to understand the mind and conditioning of a champion. I studied the attitudes, beliefs and mindset of some of our recognised sporting successes. One word resonated clearly. [Fight ‘The Champion never admits defeat’] – Defeat is too final! Champions embrace challenges but never stay down.  As Michael Jordan stated “Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it”.

Champions fail, Champions fall, but the significant factor is that they always rise. Ask yourself - What is holding you back from greatness? Fear? Family? Friends? - I have come to understand, that although those aforementioned factors can contribute to slowing you down from reaching your destination, the main contributor is you…. Address your fears today. Confront them head-on [This is one of the fastest and most consistent way of eradicating fear – 'Feel the Fear and Do it anyway' by Susan Jeffers is an excellent aid]

Muhammad Ali, the World Boxing Champion noted, “Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision”. "If your dreams and desires are big enough, the champion spirit will manifest" (TR Bentley-Woode). Champions are not made in their comfort zones. Champions are not made by procrastinating. Champions are made in the now!

Take gradual step to release your inner champion Today, its waiting to be set free. Vince Lombardi quoted “Inches make a champion”. Inches become feet, feet become yards, yard become metres. Sooner than you know it….you have just ran 100 metres with your head held high. Today, you owe it to yourself to be the best you can possibly be!

Be a Champion Today.
Have a Wonder-Full day.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Be Amazing For Our Future

Do you want to know a secret…really?....Well I’m not going to tell you but what I will do is give you a thorough clue.
Once upon a time
(Atkins 1985) said  "the best adventure on earth is growth".
I am constantly amazed by our abilities as a species to push past our limits time after time. Life is like watching winter turn to spring and we all know change is always good!
Ask yourself "if you had the power to change the world for the better, would you?....What would you do?’’. Go ahead and make your contribution today. We live our lives not for the 'now' but for the future, for our future generations’ survival depends on what You do today; be a man/woman of your word and do what you claimed you will do.

Everything is in your mind (think about it)…the future…the pastyour mind is a swirling vortex of infinite capabilities possible of anything, even happiness and success. The less you know, the more vulnerable you become and the more you suspect. The more you know, the more you need to know!!

A wise man once taught me the art of "relaxed intensity". Now if I could teach this to the world maybe we could be 1% closer to achieving the ultimate army of innovators, leaders, scholars and chancers! Imagine you could do 1000 more things with 1000 times more effort in all aspects of your life quicker, but with a relaxed and acutely poised disposition; its all about control and focus in achieving your goal.

If I told you that I could fly would you believe me? Okay….so if I said there is a certain human who could hunt underwater under intense pressure and for up to 5min all with one breath would you believe me? Well… 

OR a "Human Camera"
It’s not that far fetched, a person can begin to believe that they are capable of amazing things. You can choose to increase the intensity in your life right NOW; it will dictate your future, my future, your children’s future, their children’s future EVERYONES future. I believe that until we all start to live together without limitations and restrictions from social, political, monetary dynamics we will never begin the REAL civilization we need in order to be successful as a human race; but it all starts with YOU & ME for we are as one. Everyone needs to play their part and contribute to the intensity we need in order to be great in our own rights and in the rights of LIFE. If you don’t believe or agree then I ask you to in turn think about it and accept IT!!

A young lady once uttered a thought provoking statement, "we need our help" again, "WE NEED OUR HELP", point blank!!

Have an intense week

Monday, 17 January 2011


Does anyone recognise these statements - In 2011 'I am going to join my local gym, I will give up smoking, I promise to stop eating chocolate, I will pursue my inner most desires and goals. Do these sound similar to your 'New year resolutions’? Firstly, congratulation to the few have acted upon their words and endeavoured to ensure the fulfilment of their desires in 2011. However, I guess many of us have already fallen short of the goals we set 'ourselves' for 2011. Fear not! There is still enough time to catch up on your broken promises and ensure that you are back on track and ready to take the remaining 49 weeks by storm.

Last week we spoke about 'adversity building character' [ABC] - The responses we received were tremendous. We recognised that adversity will always manifest it ugly head, however, once you realise and accept adversity as a factor of life, you have completed phase 1, phase 2 simply requires that you look adversity in face, smile and still pursue - conversely, the likely factor is that many of us will give up once we hit a stumbling block [Phase 1]. We find excuses, blame our circumstances and even allow our peers to justify our failures ["...Failure is staying down when there is still hope - There is always hope..." implies Atkins (1985)]. We might even hide behind the 'I have already messed up, there is no point in going on excuses'. *Thumbs down*. Today I would share a concept that will empower you to fulfil your goals and dreams. Integrity!

Integrity is one of the most significant attributes we must develop in order to succeed or excel in any environment or situation, whether it is business, relationally, work, etc. Alan Simpson implied that "If you have integrity, nothing else matters.  If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters". He was correct. Nothing else matters. The dictionary defines integrity as "a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes".

Integrity requires commitment. It requires YOU to re-make a choice today to re-visit your goals and dreams for 2011 and make a promise to yourself and a few friends or family to endure till your goals are met. Telling your confidants your plans and goals encourages 'accountability'.  Stephen Covey stated that "Accountability breeds response-ability". Accountability will ensure that when you feel like giving up or you allow adversity to win, those in which you are accountable to, will be available to encourage you and pick you, in support of your goal.

Integrity is so vital as suggested by Abraham Lincoln, a president recognised for his unwavering integrity, Lincoln quoted "In times like these men should utter nothing for which they would not be willingly responsible through time...". He hit the nail on the head. Be committed to your word. If you say it, you must do it! Period! - Always remember [Phase 1 - Adversity will always manifest it ugly head], we will always face challenges - But remember Phase 2 - look adversity in face, smile and still pursue. "Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it" David Jordan.

Today go back to your goals and desires you have set for 2011. Make yourself accountable to someone, this will encourage you to maintain your integrity. Make sure you take daily steps to ensure you pursue your goals.

From today, be a person recognised for your integrity. Apply it to you everday living. As Paul Wellstone suggested Never separate the life you live from the words you speak.”. If you say you are going to do it, DO IT.

Have a brilliant week - Be a person of integrity.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Learning your ABC‏

Happy New Year all,

Welcome to a fresh new beginning, this is year one of next few years together, it’s a clean sheet so take your seat, be comfortable, switch on your willingness to learn and lets get going!
Lesson 1: the acronym we will be using today is ABC repeat ABC, yes; Adversity Builds Character.

I am sure you will agree with me in saying that everything that you have experienced until now has had some sort of affect on your character. Nevertheless the key to gaining control of your destiny and discovering the character inside of you is to learn to have the ability to
transmute that experience to positively build that character.

We have spoken many times about the many different ways you can view life, ...successful minds eat, sleep, breathe, think in motion NOT TIME. This is why many people who follow social dynamics and partake in social statements such like "2011 is going to be my year…", "my new years resolution is going to be…" and so on, misconstrue and such statements!

Firstly I speak to many people everyday who quote such statements using incorrect syntax, it limits your self-belief. Shad Helmstetter’s book "What to say when you talk to yourself", is one the best books around [highly recommended], it
addresses beautifully one of the first stages of 'educating' the belief in yourself.

Ok a slight digression, nevertheless adversity; should always be embraced as a learning curve, but what most people do differently from what winners do is, they DO NOT TAKE THE 'MOTION' TO LEARN FROM IT ; note that I said 'MOTION' not 'TIME'. The reason being is that motion is physical; it requires you to take action RIGHT NOW whilst TIME gives you the power and freedom to do absolutely NOTHING but plan what your "PLANNING TO DO".

 Lets pull up our socks and do everything we said we were going to do last year Today!!

A wise mind once quoted "you must try to become the person you would like to spend the rest of your life with". Now what does that mean to you? It means that all those 'adversity classes'; 'life experiences' you have been attending for the last however many years of your life, you need to take the motion and use every single point you can AND LEARN FROM IT!! WELCOME TO 2011 THE YEAR OF RIGHT NOW!!

One of the first things you learnt when you were a child was this acronym, you just didn’t know it was one. ABCDEFGH….(remember?), well start using it TODAY 2011 not 2012 or 2013 and so on!!

Have a brilliant recess see you next week