Monday, 18 April 2011

How to win

Knock Knock
Who there?
Ok, I was going to attempt a joke, however, I’m beginning to wonder why I’m the only me that ever laughs at my own jokes. [I really do wonder why - because I actually think I’m kinda funny].
Welcome to the second quarter of the year. As 2011 slowly moves ahead, I hope we are all in pursuit of our desires. If you still do not have any goals that in are in pursuit of, then please refer to some of our old articles [] to understand the power and necessity of written goal and how to take action, today.
John woke up to a loud thudding noise at the front door. As he slowly arose from his gentle sleep, he wondered for a minute, who could be knocking at 3am on a Thursday morning, he scratched his head in confusion, whist deliberating whether to leave his warm, comfortable king size bed. He ultimately succumbed to the comfort of his feather-quilted sheets and decided to stay in bed, the comfort was far to great to arouse enough curiosity to see who was knocking his door. The following morning, John received another knock at door, this time during his beloved east-enders program. John moaned and began to stand up, however as he reached the front door, he murmmed to himself. "I wasn’t expecting any visitors, I’m sure whoever is at my door can wait till I finish my watching my daily television program". He sat back down and watched his east-enders.
Can anyone guess who this visitor could have been? A ghost? his long lost friend? a magic dog?. Let me give you a few clues....

*What presents itself once and beckons you to welcome it?
*What enables us to be great, by just opening a door?
*What is powerful enough to change your life?


In fact [opportunity embraced] is the correct answer.

Looking at John's story above, I’m sure many of us have
failed to embrace opportunity a number of time when it came knocking. You see, many of us choose
to remain in ourcomfort zone, remain in our warmth of comfort and control,
rather then open the door to stranger called 'opportunity'. The stranger that comes bearing gifts. An anonymous quote, suggested, "Even when opportunity knocks, a man still has to get up off his seat and open the door". You must be willing to embrace opportunity when it knocks. Farell further suggested that many of us fail to embrace opportunity because "The trouble with opportunity is
that it always comes disguised as hard work.
". Like John, many of us are faced with life changing opportunities, yet we fail to wake up or we fail to give up on our comforts and traditions.

Opportunity waits for no man. I believe opportunity is like a man in the rain, knocking on doors waiting to receive an invitation. Steve Gray noted in a story similar to John "Opportunity knocks at the strangest times, It's not the time that matters, but how you answer the door.". Do you open the door with open arms or do you peek through the keyhole. This is where champions are made.You choose. Are you willing to stand up to achieve?

According to Jeremy Collier "The truth is that everyone has a fair turn to be as great as he/she pleases". However, only a handful of people grab hold of opportunity and cause it action. Opportunity, anticipation plus preparation is the ultimate catalyst for success, Atkins (1985)

"Opportunity is often difficult to recognize; we usually expect it to beckon us with beepers and billboards."

I dare you to embrace opportunities that come your way. In fact I double dare you.

Have a daring week

Monday, 11 April 2011

How to unlock your SHA (Super Human Ability)‏

There is an interesting saying that ‘everyone is born twice in their lifetime’….what do you think? – Lets explore

You may wonder and even find it strange sometimes when you stumble upon powers you weren’t aware you had. Whether it being in the form or from strength, courage, intelligence, anxiety whatever the cause, you manage to unlock this untapped magnificent power within yourself; defying all odds and conquering a challenge in front of you. Now the difference between this and being born for the second time in your life is the magnitude of the catalyst that causes the effect.

The catalyst is ENORMOUS, and usually stems from what most refer to as the ‘fight or flight’ situation. I feel this is to generic and cannot be attributed to a successful person(s). In the realm of success it is better referred to as ‘desire or vulnerability’.

At the point when you are born for the second time its either due to a WHITE HOT BURNING DESIRE for a goal which releases a concoction of chemicals in your mind and body and will drive you to your destination WITHOUT FAIL (forget oil prices – your internal oil is enough!!).

Or just like in the animal kingdom when our back is up against the wall, or we feel complete VULNERABILITY we again spring into action CHANGING the course of our life for the better.

Anita Roddick, Dalai Lama, Eleanor Roosevelt, Hellen Keller, James Earl Jones, John Grisham, Lance Armstrong, Mahatma Gandhi, Michael Jordan, Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, Spence Silver & Art Fry, Steven Spielberg, Walt Disney… the list is endless, but you only have to look at a specific section of their past to identify when they were born again. You will see that at the point, it was something HUGE that propelled them to bask in the glory of their success journey.

Lets not forget that the first life you have is all about LEARNING, EXPLORING and IDENTIFYING your SHA. Most people will stop when they discover it, or will not expand it to its full potential. WINNERS apply their newfound SHA and RUN as fast and far as they can.

Remember as discussed before when you learn your educating yourself, which means to ‘bring forth from within’.  I love referring back to children’s behaviour because it’s pure and unclouded with corporate media jargon that is used to direct our lives on a certain path. With this in mind try and understand why children love ‘superheroes’ so much, more importantly take note of why they attribute themselves to a specific one. It’s because they see parts of their own character or more importantly parts of the heroes’ character they yearn to be like. WHY DOES THIS DESIRE TO BE EXTRAORDINARY FADE AWAY WHEN WE GROW?

Its time to discover your SHA and begin your second life IT’S NEVER TOO LATE!!

A wise man once said, “your boundaries are only as big and the space you live in…and ‘space’ is a big place”  (T R Bentley-Woode 1985)

Roll your theme music and have a super week

Monday, 4 April 2011

Get Positioned - Buckle up

Welcome to 2nd quarter of 2011, I hope we are still on track to achieve the goals we set out for ourselves at the beginning of the year. As the year fly past, let us buckle up and enjoy the productivity ride.
A few months ago we introduced an article titled 'fear of failure', where we suggested that many people fail to fulfil their dreams of success partly due to the fear and anxiety associated with failure. Before we move on, it is of great importance that we remember that failure is not a permanent destination. You may regard it as a temporary setback; however, the lessons gained from a failed attempt will enable you in your next endeavour. Remember 'Real failure is staying down before the 12th round's bell rings'.

Brain Tracy, the international coach and author, made a profound statement, which inspired me to write this article, he suggested that "people are not afraid of achieving success, they just don't know how". Wow! I am sure many of you are saying 'Stop telling to reach for the sky', Stop telling me I can be a success' - Tell me how! Show me how. I couldn’t agree with you more.

Is Success is predictable?

After much thought, I asked a few colleagues if they believed 'success is predictable'. A few disagreed and suggested that you cannot predict success as there is no crystal ball to show or predict your future. I disagree. Success is predictable! Success is attainable, but there are certain principles that must be adhered to.

Success according to Brian Tracy and many other teachers can be predicted 'if and only if you prepare for it'. Woode (1985) implied "the apple did not just fall into Sir Isaac Newton's lap, he had positioned himself under the tree". Get positioned today. As Marva Collins noted "Success doesn't come to you, you go to it". Today I want to give a few tips on how to be successful in every aspects of your life. You may recognise some of the individuals who have provided tips in which we should follow in order to reach our own personal success.

Entrepreneur Peter Jones attributes his success to his ability to engage his imagination and creative mind. [Use every opportunity to challenge your mind, find ways to stimulate your creative senses]

Fellow Entrepreneur suggested his secret to success was to observe the rest & do the opposite. [Analyse the herd and go against the grain, this was a winning policy for one of the world richest men - Warren Buffett - When people are fearful, be greedy, when people are greedy, be fearful]

America Business Magnate Donald Trump said, "If you are going to think at all, you might as well THINK BIG! [Why settle for small dreams, when you can achieve anything your desire - Dream BIG, think BIG - work BIG = achieve BIG]

Will Smith, suggested that the success attained by his family is due to hard work and perspiration. [As mentioned earlier by Marva Collins, "Success doesn't come to you, you go to it" - Run at it head on]

In your spare time have a read through our old blog - Role Models - this will assist you in your journey to success -

I am confident we can achieve. Let make this month count. Get positioned Today