Monday, 23 May 2011

YOU HAVE 24HRS LEFT!!!.........‏

Good morning guys..…Cant stress how little time there is left so listen and pay attention!

What if the prophecies, predictions and theories as to if and when the world would end were correct; what would you do in your last 24hrs.

It’s fair to assume that most people’s reactions will be from their archive of personal goals waiting to be fulfilled, or am I wrong? What would it be? (have a good think)

NOW….I ask you why would it take an event or catalyst of that magnitude to propel you to take action, how strongly do you desire your goals. The desire to achieve your dream should be on par with that need to fulfil your last ever wish; because you get one shot at this life ‘stuff’; if you didn’t know, its not a joke!!!

Someone once said “If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.” Genghis Khan, in this case let your country be your goal and your dreams.

I am sure most of you remember me once saying that the time you have to work on your dream(s) is so valuable sometimes we forget how limited it is. Nevertheless without falling in love with what you do, you can never make it a success at its optimum level. It is this love that drives humans to create, change and revolutionise the world we live in.

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”
(Christopher Reeve)

Today I will be the first to lead by example and sort out my personal idiosyncrasies in order to live to achieve. DO IT AS WELL get your priorities in order…….CHECK!!

Only once you have a clear vision as to what is important and not so can you fully prepare for that ‘24hr’ deadline. Try to act as if everyday was your last 24hrs.

A person can stop and begin to imagine the achievements one would make in that short space of time; believe many successful men and women throughout time when they tell you that this mind-set works.

Remember your brain has no concept of time, “feed your mind with the idea that every goal is as important as life itself and in the end you will be fully satisfied” T R Bentley-Woode

24hrs left better get a move on good luck!!

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Secrets for success‏

Good Morning Ladies & Gentlemen, 

I have a lot I want to get of my chest today, so lets get straight into it.  I am feeling really generous this week, with that in mind - I have decided that I’m going to give away something really, really special. I’m going to let you into a secret. I am going to unveil one of the biggest, yet smallest secrets ever discovered by man. However, [Terms & Conditions apply] - I should state here - I could get in trouble for revealing this secret, on the other hand, I believe it is imperative that I share it with you, our leaders of tomorrow. This secret is the 'key to your success. It’s the catalyst to your future. It’s the 'shortest cut' to financial freedom, great family relationships, 1st class university degrees, career promotion, etc.  In fact, every leader, entrepreneur, politician, family wo[man], knows about it. It’s about time you also knew about it.

Before I disclose this very close guarded secret. I should mention [Disclaimer] that the application of this secret, could either motivate you to success or de-motivate you to a life of simplicity and un-fulfilment. 

This secret is so powerful, that even the book 'The Secret' failed to disclose it. Just before I reveal it, I want you to do me a favour. I’m going to ask you to keep this secret to yourself. You must promise me, that you will never divulge this secret of success to another breathing human being. I value you as a consistent reader of our blog and our communications; therefore I want you and only you to benefit from such a life-transforming secret. 

I came across this secret a few years ago during my interaction with some highly successful and inspiring mentors. I will and can testify to its greatness.

*Can anyone guess what this secret is yet?
*In fact is there really even a secret?
*Are you really actually reading this message because you thought there was actually a 'short cut' to success? Haha....Well May's Fool award goes to you.

Lets get it straight, there is no short cuts, there has never been and there will never be. However, there is something called the 'shortestcut'. The ‘shortestcut’ simply say that if you pursue this route, you will attain your goal and desires in a shorter space of time, because you have applied the greatest 'non-secret' of our generation.

Hard Work, Smart Work and just pure, juicy perspiration. Thomas Edison said it best ...success will be attain through this simple equation "1% inspiration and 99% perspiration". In Goodman (1985) words, "to win the race of life, you will and must embrace the perspiration". In layman’s terms, you will need to buy a caseload of anti-perspirants.

Richard Branson, the Virgin brand owner, equally one of the world greatest entrepreneurs, is equally testament to the 'secret' - He quotes "have fun, but work hard".

Let me reassure you. Success is attainable. Goals and desires are attainable. Wealth is attainable. However, the short cut to achieve these things is through labour, out breaking of comfort zones, persistency, diligence, fervency, determination, strong work ethic = Success!

James Dee Richardson stated, "If hard work were really a virtue, then mules would be saints." Very true, many of us have given up on our goals, simply because we don’t know how to attain them. Let me round up by telling you another secret to success. 'Work Hard' is the twin brother of 'Hard Work'.

Have a fulfilling and hard working week and see the difference in results.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Is Your Life Fact Or Fiction?

So, welcome back guys, after two long bank holidays hope you are all well.  Lets consider the following:

·      Can you believe ‘I cant believe its not butter’ isn’t butter?
·      It’s almost half way through 2011 and ‘time’ claims there are 236 days left till 2012
·      The human brain has the capacity to store anything that you experience
·      Ice cream is a Chinese food
·      Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch procejt at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter.

Through out our lifetime we will come across many situations and experiences that will shape our future. These experiences will be entangled with many facts and equally many fictional variables.  Many successful people before us have deciphered fact from fiction and left their mark on the world stage, what will be yours?
While every goal in itself has the capability to be good, not every goal is to be pursued because some goals may entail painful consequences that outweigh the pleasure of success. Individuals must learn to discriminate betweenfact and fiction that are beneficial to your yearly, monthly and daily countdown.
They say that to live well and reach the stars your aiming for, requires the exercise of practical wisdom, moderation, justice and courage to balance pleasures against pains and to accept; when necessary, those pains lead to greater pleasure; “if you can separate fact from fiction you have the ability to separate gold from stone” Goodman 1985
Try to become a master of your intuition, separate all the jargon in the world we are confronted with everydayinto, fact and fiction; remember in this sense, ‘fiction’ can include and should include things that do not help the progression to your important goals. 
Like the proverb goes “you can collect the nuts that have been provided along the way, but you must be willing crack them yourself”
Have a correct week