Monday, 27 June 2011


‘BE LIFE’ (ß this is an anagram of the key to success, have you guessed it yet??)
Good morning all….
Let me tell you EXACTLY why you are going to be successful…there are no secrets, no hidden methods, no special food that you need to eat nor any get rich quick scheme. To be honest with you if it was possible to work extremely hard for 1000 years, you still could NEVER EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, achieve the magnitude of own goal to its highest potential without what im about to tell you.
It is the first and last BASTION of success; without this, TRUE success will NEVER be possible. Have you ever stopped and thought about why some people only achieve temporary success or may achieve parts of their dreams. Sometimes even your OWN dreams and goals will come in ‘dribs and drabs’. Yes I think you know what I am on about now don’t you??
BE LIFE = Belief…., that’s it, BELIEF. Your success and achievements of your goals whether it being physically, mentally or even spiritually, belief is the first and last brick in the fortress where your dream is contained.
I once heard these wise words and have never forgotten them. I will encourage EVERYONE to remember this, write it down if you have to and remember it before you embark on ANYTHING in life;
I hear some of you saying yes I have heard this a thousand times before; well maybe its because you are not listening. Ask anyone who is successful beyond their wildest dreams, and believe me when I say I have come across and picked the minds of many on my own journey. They will tell you the same thing, so if you don’t want to listen to me listen to your own idols.
DON’T TRY AND UNDERTSAND WHY, DON’T TRY AND BELIEVE IN IT 99% OF THE TIME, DON’T TRY AND FIND A QUICK WAY AROUND IT, it just will not work; just “believe that you need to believe to WIN”. Goodman 1985
With that in mind let’s leave with this thought You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can't have it.” Dr R Anthony
Believe in this week and every week :-)

Sunday, 19 June 2011

I'm fed up!

Hi guys,

It’s really amazing to read feedback and attempt to answer any question our readers have. Last week, I was asked a very interesting question. ‘Do you ever face any challenges?

Since we are all being open, I thought I would answer that question the best way I know how. However, I must ask - Can I be honest? Will it cloud your judgement of me? Will I appear weak?  In fact, right now, I couldn’t care...Just bare with me as I transcribe my feelings in this email.

As someone who writes articles and emails about the merit of success, motivation, goal setting, relationships, etc, you would naturally assume that my life was nothing but sweet smelling roses. Can I be really honest? Will you stop reading my blog? Will you begin to think that I'm a failure? Regardless! I intend to continue.

For many who know me personally, you already know that this year, has been nothing short of a challenge. I have faced a number of set backs, trials, embarrassments, arguments, etc. At the beginning of 2011, I set myself a number of targets, although some have manifested and blossomed beyond my wildest expectation, there is still that sense of unfulfillment. Can I be honest? I feel dejected, I'm tired, I'm fed up, in actual fact I can’t take it anymore.

If I’m correct, many of you also feel the same. Does it sometimes feel like you are banging your head against a brick wall? You just want to give up. It success really going to happen? Do people like you ever become successful? Are you ever going to attain your goals and desires?

I sometimes feel like giving up!

But every time I close the chapter and attempt to give up, a quote I read years ago rears its beautiful head and encourages me to KEEP GOING. Joan Collins wrote, "If life throws you a lemon, make lemonade". My God the amount of citric acid I have drank in the last 6 months is enough to give you a stomach ulcer. When life throws you a challenge, find an opportunity. Many of us give up just before the reward is revealed. - William Feather, the American publisher suggested that "success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go". Can you hold on for another 10 minutes, can you withstand the pain for another 1 hour, can you endure the pain till your prize is claimed. Come on!

I have learnt one truth. And I hope that if all you take away from this article is this amazing quote "Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock".

Giving up is for wimps. Grab your goals. Re-ignite that fire and set the world ablaze.

There is never anything wrong with being de-motivated, as long as you do not remain there. Find your motivation today. If you need a re-boost on maintaining your motivational levels, read our old article titled ''

Come on lets have an empowering week

Monday, 13 June 2011

Law 9

It is said that “any momentary triumph you think you have gained through argument is really a pyrrhic victory”, through personal experience I couldn’t agree more; as I’m sure you will too.
Anyone who knows this law will be familiar with its origins and keys to gaining control of it, if you are unfamiliar then listen closely.
Lets have a think together, on your journey to your own personal goals im sure you have encountered times where the situation has turned into an argument whilst parties have been trying to get their points/reasoning across; yes? Of course it happens. Have you left the argument annoyed and felling unaccomplished? Of course!.....Now here is the difference, the people who are successful at gaining this power have a different strategy, they have a different ability, one in which you must learn and must learn immediately.
Firstly, these successful men and women of this amazing power use the word ‘persuasion’ rather to describe the ‘event’ than ‘argument’. A person can only stop and think about why this is, to then discover how to attain this remarkable ability.
The use of the word persuasion automatically entails there is a long term goal rather than short term, and that’s the basic foundation of law 9. It is this ability to see further into the future, to have the imagination/logic to foresee the effect your persuasion will have over time rather than the now.
We all know the saying “words are a dime a dozen” and most weak people will say anything to gain the temporary perceived ‘advantage’, learn how to control the context anddirection of your purpose, the more you practice this art the better you will be at handling situations in the future where it will be imperative to WIN in order to reach your goals.
Learn how control and persuade people by words, but even this is very primitive. “The master wins by action” (Goodman 1985). YES that’s the first real step in learning how to control the art of persuasion; ACTION, ACTION, ACTION!!!.
We are not talking here about ‘violence’ but the art of doing by demonstration and over time you WIN. Lets be honest there will be people who may appear to agree with you, to be polite but inside may resent you; the only way a MASTER truly wins is by proving them wrong or asserting your opinions and feelings through action. It is called LEARNING, which is like water in the world of success!
“Drink lots of water to quench that thirst for success” (T R Bentley-Woode 1985)
Have a persuasive week!

Monday, 6 June 2011

Aladdin & The magic lamp

OMG! Just imagine if there was such a thing as a magic lamp! Or imagine if there was such thing as a mythical genie that could grant us 3 magical wishes!

Wouldn’t life be so much more fun? What would you wish for? I would wish for a few million pounds, a beautiful family, oh a matt black Rolls Royce phantom, a 33 storey office building, my list is endless. Would you be really cheeky and ask the genie for more wishes? [That’s exactly what I would do].

Interestingly, although many of us do not actually believe in mythical genies and magical wishes, we still act and behave like we are awaiting some sort of divine or mythical intervention to make our dreams and desires come true. I am so sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Aladdin and the magic lamp is a cartoon, the genie and his wishes is a cartoon. However, there is another source. There is no magic, no lamps, no genie. Steve Pavlina quoted it best "If you want to achieve some really big and interesting goals, you have to fall in love with hard work". Hard work is the only way to attain sustainable wealth, long lasting relationships or in fact anything worth having. Look closely at some of your role models and you will understand what hard works truly means. I closely model myself against the self-made millionaire and ex-dragons den investor James Caan, who clearly understood the notion behind creating a successful, reputable business empire. James Caan swears by Hard Work! There is no short cut.

What do they following people have in common?
Virgin brand owner - Richard Branson
Serena Williams - Female tennis champions
Lakshmi Mittal - Indian steel magnate
Katie Price [Jordan - British television personality and former glamour model

Have you guessed?

So today, let’s make a pledge. Let's promise to increase our efforts just 1%. Everything you do Today, make a conscious effort to increase your contribution, attitude and endavours.

Lowell Thomas stated "Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can." A 1% increase in your daily activities will create greater impact in your overall endeavours.

I pledge today "I will increase my efforts by an extra 1% each day". What are you going to give? What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals? The attainment of self-sufficiency requires a exchange, it requires a sacrifice? "Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work". (H.L Hunt). Sacrifice seems to be the spoken law for success.

Decide what you are willing give up in order to succeed.

Have a brilliant week