Good morning champs!
Have you ever given ‘thought’ towards what you actually talk about on a day-to-day basis? Are you the type of person that talks for the world but never walks towards any contribution what so ever? What does your family talk about? What do your friends talk about? What things do you hear being talked about?....Take a moment to have a quick think about it….
“The people who are most successful are the people who talk most about success”. (Woode, 1985).
You can look straight into society and see vast evidence to support this. Other weird examples (on a basic level) you may have noticed are, those people who speak most of illness always seem to be ill, those who speak of social problems create problems for themselves, those who speak badly of their abilities are surprised when they don’t have the ability, suffices to say that ‘YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY’, and it begins with what you feed your conscious and subconscious mind.
We are 100% responsible for the situations we find ourselves in, the things that happen good or bad and throughout history we have always played the blame game, you hear it all the time, its his fault I didn’t get the promotion, its her fault, its EVERYONE else’s fault, in truth its YOUR FAULT! Only when you accept responsibility for yourself can you begin to walk from that talk!
Lets examine an inventor, when he/she gets an idea, that idea can spread very quickly amongst colleagues, in modern society there are examples such like viral videos, gossip, news etc… the point is thoughts are easily spreadable allowing many people to hold onto to multiple thoughts at once. Take a social gathering of friends and peers, the reason why they gather is because they all share a commonality of the similar thoughts; the question is ARE THEY THE RIGHT THOUGHTS BEING SHARED?
Depending on what you want out of life you should feed your mind with thought that will ONLY guide you towards your goals, ANY OTHER THOUGHT is ‘pointless’. Successful people MANIFEST their thoughts into the physical realm. ‘YOU ARE YOUR THOUGHTS’
BUT WAIT THERES A PROBLEM!! – Thinking positively is SOOOOOOOOOOO much hard work, how will you possibly keep it up! – Well here’s an answer, success takes a lot of talking, then walking, falling, followed quickly by talking even more, then walking a lot more and more and more….!!
Here is an interesting story I find fascinating (bear in mind that humans are made up of roughly around 70% water). Dr Masaru Emoto of Yokohama Municipal University conducted experiments to explore 'theoretical' links between water, consciousness & intent. His findings were amazing. He discovered that by putting words on the side of a glass of water and freezing the water, different statements could change how the water would freeze into crystals, on a jar that said ‘I love you’ it crystalized into harmonious wonderful crystal shapes pleasing to view under a microscope. On a jar that said ‘you make me sick and I want to kill you’ it froze in the complete opposite way, no uniform shape or patterns and very irregular; IF THOUGHTS CAN DO THAT TO WATER IMAGINE WHAT IT CAN DO TO US!
THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU TALK ABOUT it’s the only way to succeed (Atkins, 1985)
Have a thoughtful week