The Idea disease….
Good morning all, the weather in London today is 4°C highs of 17°C, dry with scattered clouds and sunny throughout the day. Pollen count is low, wind speed of 2mph north with very good visibility, so be sure to leave the umbrellas at home but pop the sunglasses in bag for later…
Someone once said that “once it has taken hold of the brain its almost impossible to eradicate”…What could I possibly be talking about?
It is infectious, it is can be time consuming, distracting, it can even deplete your energy to the point of no return; nevertheless we all need one to be successful.
I was speaking to a friend recently who had fallen whim to the idea disease; they were infected with this virus so deeply it had almost broken them as a human. They were not seeing the fruits of their labour, so instead the idea disease began to affect them in the way it usually does when it is not treated with dedication, belief and persistence.
Sun Tzu says, 'Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat'.
There is almost a fine line with this particular conundrum, just like a world star chef at his best the cuisine has to be just right, just like a surgeon the procedure has to so precise and just like F1 driver a small degree of inaccuracy and focus can be cataclysmic. You must not let this disease defeat you!!!!
YOU MUST KEEP MOVING FORWARD WITH YOUR IDEAS - “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Einstein
It is extremely easy to attain knowledge in this day and age, there are so many mediums one could undertake to expand their mind, yet it takes that much more from an individual to create ideas that if not to change the world then to change their own – TR Woode
Remember your attitude is crucial to your success and existence; in fact IT IS a matter of life and death, we live to be happy, so why not be happy with the right attitude towards your idea.
Finally, successful IDEAS are simple case of trial and error, no one is 100% sure that theirs will work; but they have the belief and the endurance, you will not converge towards success unless you do, learn and refine. It takes ONE just one, the one you have now could be the one or maybe it’s the next one nevertheless keep the ideas flowing; you must….
Have a wonderful week