Monday, 29 November 2010

Sacrifice for Success

Happy Morning

Last week we touched on preparation; I have been inundated with hundreds of feedback from you guys telling me what your plans are for the future and its fantastic but I want more and more!!... Nevertheless - today let's talk about'getting ahead of the pack'.

I recently heard a fantastic quote, which utters, "inventing a job is better than finding one". Take a moment to think about that one, let it sink for just one second!

ALL successful men and women who have created their own career would support me in saying that "there is no better feeling of accomplishment than the one you have endured through your own sacrifice" (Bentley-Woode 1985).

Let's all take a moment to imagine your dream career.... picture it in your minds eye RIGHT NOW!... What is it?, is it fun/exciting?, how would it make you feel? Like last weeks discussion, why not start the preparation TODAY? If it's really what you desire there is no excuse.

Let's all take a moment to imagine your dream career.... picture it in your minds eye RIGHT NOW!... What is it?, is it fun/exciting?, how would it make you feel? Like last weeks discussion, why not start the preparation TODAY? If it's really what you desire there is no excuse.

A wise man once said to me "it's all good and well that you desire, but what are you prepared to give?" NOW, I ask you to ask yourself the same thing.

Let's be blunt and logical, the reason why you are where you are right now is because you haven't made that sacrifice; only you know what the sacrifice is, and when and ONLY when you CHOOSE to make that sacrifice; then you will be ready to embark on that fantastic DREAM you have in your mind RIGHT NOW

Always keep in mind that life is an act. We have to create a character that we want to portray for the rest of our lives. So if we have the choice to create our own character especially in this current global climate why wouldn’t we create the best, strongest, smartest, powerful and successful character we can create, so that when the time comes when there is the highest of greatness in the world, we can be on par with it; be more than the best actor/actress you can be because we all know by now, happiness isn’t won – its deserved.

Your probably saying to yourself like the great English writer William Hazlitt once said "...have I loitered my life away, reading books, looking at pictures, going to plays, hearing, thinking, writing on what pleased me best. I have only one thing to make me happy, but wanting that, I have wanted everything".

Make that sacrifice today find your place in the flow of things and remain still…you will succeed with out a doubt.

Have brilliant week

Monday, 22 November 2010

Get Prepared

Good Morning Champions,
As we gradually draw closer to Christmas and the end of the wonderfully productive 2010. I urge you to GET PREPARED!. 'Preparation according to TR Bentley-Woode (1985) ' the catalyst to greatness'. Henry Ford further suggests that 'Before everything else, getting ready is the secret to success'. Are you getting ready for 2011? 

Grab a pen, grab a piece of paper and start writing down all the thing you want [desire] to achieve in 2011. Infact do it NOW. There is no time like the present!

Infact STOP! Before we begin to write down these desires and dreams for 2011 - I would like to share a simple illustrative story I was opportune to hear a while ago.

During the labouring and sowing season, a local farmer decided that he would sit back and watch the other farmers sweat, plant and toil their fields. As he sat back and observed, he uttered 'look at these silly idiots, dripping with sweat, exhausted and yet they have no results to show for it'. Over the next months, the lazy farmer, ridiculed the other farmers and suggested that they had wasted their time and efforts and would not see any growth or fruition from their labouring. However, they waited patiently with the understanding if the right seeds are sown, the appropriate crops will manifest. Unsuprisingly, then came the reaping season. The seeds and the prepared ground, began to manifest a multitude of crops for the unrelenting farmers who had exert the correct effort at the right time and season. [Im sure you understand the context of the story.]

Without fully understanding it, I had been introduced to the concept/ the idea/ the law of sowing and reaping. Personally, this story stirred an inquisitiveness and unrelenting search to understand the principles of sowing & reaping to a greater depth. 

In the most simplest term, this principle suggests that whatever you sow, you will reap. Not might reap, not maybe reap. Certainly, you will reap. Just as the computer acroymn suggests - GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) - You will undoubtfully gain whatever you insert into the cycle of life! 
As the story above suggests, the farmers who sowed & endevoured saw their hard work rewarded. They laid their foundation and understood the simple irrevocable law of the land.

The idea of sowing and reaping has been around for centuries, with the Bible mentioning sowing and reaping on numerous occassion, for example in Galatian, it states 'Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap'. Further theories have surfaced to corroborate the ideas of sowing and reaping. For example, a number of eastern religions refer to it as Karma, where as some others call it retributive justice
As we step into the new year, I implore you to ensure that you have established your foundations and have sown the right seed and are ready to take on 2011 with full force. GET PREPARED...Miguel De Cervantes quoted that ...'To be prepared is half the victory'. For instance, if you adopt the attitude of a champion, you will potray the characteristics of a champion and act like a champion.

GET PREPARED....Write down your expectations, your desires and make a detailed plan of how you intend to achieve these goals.

You will reap what you sow.

If you sow negativity and doubt, unfortunately.....You already know the answer. If you sow hard work, the rewards will be your goals and desire.

Get prepared now. Start sowing your seeds now. Take 2011 with full force

Have a brilliant week.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Re-Invent Yourself

Good morning all,
I think its time for some FUN this week!
Each week we confer about first-class topics regarding things we do and can do internally to aid us on our journey to success, today will be a bit different.
Everything is judged by its appearance; usually what is unseen counts for nothing. So, why not stand out; make yourself a magnet of attention by appearing larger, more colourful, and more mysterious than the tedious and timid masses.
  • Why not start of with the basics, for instance a new hairstyle often changes your appearance drastically. By staying contrastive with the style you can create a much more powerful and delightful first impression to the extremely competitive world.
  • Why not step up a gear in your personal hygiene; in turn it brings you confidence, which studies have shown portrays itself very clearly in your body language.
  • Why not reinvent your wardrobe. I am a huge fan of the saying ‘function over fashion’ nevertheless you CAN put a price on quality; what’s the worse that can happen if you stretch yourself from time to time, your paradigm increases, again you win!
  • Change your body language to suit your environment. Atkins (1985) pointed out that sometimes by being "... aware of small 1% changes in how you act, your expressions, speech, presence all contribute to you exuding brilliance".
Of course all of the above points, once put into practice will help you mentally. Studies have shown over the years that in most cases the way a person appears on the outside is directly proportional to the way they appear on the inside. THINK ABOUT THAT! For example, have you ever seen or heard of a successful businessman/woman at the TOP of their game with something as simple as an untidy desk?
A wise man once said "show me an unhappy gardener".
Lets take this quote literally. Which garden would personify you?
The garden that harvests ghastly weeds, debris and an army of destructive creatures or the enchanting victory garden that emits warmth and happiness? EXACTLY!
Take pride in who you are, more importantly how you are to the world. Attract others to you by the shear quality of yourself.

Atkins (1985) once said "its fantastic to be that diamond in the rough, but that diamond will go unseen if its not clean"

Go ahead reinvent yourself TODAY!!…….Have a brilliant week!

Monday, 8 November 2010

Scared to Succeed?

Scared to Succeed?

In a quest to further understand the reasons, why only a few people attain success. We have spent the last few weeks analysing and fragmenting the characteristics that limit or in fact hinder our success. During that process we have introduced you to factors such as complacency, procrastination and the inherent lack of self belief; all hindrances to growth and attainment. However, I have come understand that once you deal with the issue of complacency, procrastination and even address your 'belief', another factor which aims to cripples, disables and restrict us, must also be understood and therefore eliminated.

Let me introduce you to 'The fear of failure'. The Fear of failure is the head lock that forces you to tap out. Your enemy of progress. The thief of your dreams.

Question - Can someone really fear failure?
Answer - Absolutely!

In order to shed greater light on this topic, let us firstly explore 'Fear'.  The Oxford English dictionary defines fear as a "distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid". Afraid of what? As humans, we are generally afraid of mountains we haven't climbed before. Afraid of situations and circumstances that we have never dealt with before. Bentley-Woode describes it as '...the crippling feeling of not knowing what awaits you on the other side'.

Furthermore, according to Atkins (1985) '...Fear restricts your ability to grow'. However, the great and exciting thing is that Fear is an emotion that can be overcome. One simple solution would be to embody the sprit of 'Just Do It'. As Susan Jeffers suggests "Feel the fear and do it anyway". Just Do It!

Fear is  typically described as 'False Evidence Appearing Real'. Many self-development authors have analysed the relationship between Fear and Faith. Faith is required to 'Just Do It'....Faith is imperative in pursuing a task or action you have never embarked on before. However, if fear is present, your faith becomes second place.

Van Gogh, asked a very interesting question "What would life be if  (YOU) we had no courage to attempt anything?" In fact let me rephrase this and ask YOU 'WHERE WOULD YOUR LIFE BE TODAY - IF YOU HAD THE COURAGE TO ATTEMPT YOUR DREAM?'.

A number of us fear failure. Atkins (1985), implied that "failure is the quickest catalyst to success". Think about that!....The idea of not succeeding the first time should not keep us down....MY should make us more determined to succeed. The Dictionary describes 'failure as falling short of success or achievement in something expected'. Failure is not falling at a 100 metres hurdles, but getting up and still completing the race.

Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors of all time mentioned that he "failed my way to success". You can do anything you [wish]

Today, feel the fear and do it anyway!

Have a BRILLIANT week.

Monday, 1 November 2010


What is the one thing, no matter how big or small that you can do better than anyone else? .....Ok it's gone silent now......

We spend a lot of valuable time asking questions, we can only answer by doing! Last weeks words uttered around the issue of 'complacency' and if 'complacency is the executioner of excellence' then my friends; ‘procrastination is the Emperor that governs the noun'.

The time you have to work on your dream(s) is so valuable sometimes we forget how limited it is. Nevertheless, you must understand that - without falling in love with what you do, you will never make it a success at its optimum level. It is this love (passion) that drives humans to create, change and revolutionise the world we live in.

I recently read 'The Facebook Effect' by David Kirkpatrick, a senior writer for 'Fortune' magazine. It amazes me till this day how, life changing ideas are not capitalised upon by their innovators and merely left exposed for others relish upon.  Mark Zuckerberg, the world’s youngest billionaire and co-founder of Facebook in my opinion should be 'ambassador' for Nike’s slogan 'JUST DO IT' that’s because its EXACTLY what he did.

We sometimes forget that although we humans are genetically different from one another we share the same material that makes us, so in theory at some point, there will be others that will think and have similar ideas to us; however, the winner acts upon their ideas. The winner doesn’t use phrases like 'I had an idea like that' or 'I was going to do that' they begin their sentence with 'I do…"…..I have…"…. 'I am…'.




To put it bluntly we don’t eat, work and reproduce to pay bills, sleep and have the occasional 15 minutes of fun!! If you do then its about time YOU WOKE UP. It is not a joke we all want to be joyful, enjoying our dream and creating a pathway for generations to come and if your goal is not set on carving your name in history then at least carve your name into happiness because ONLY TRUE HAPPINESS MANIFESTS FROM YOUR DREAMS.

A wise man once said 'money begets money' as to 'success begets success' but never forget that all in all 'happiness begets happiness' (T R Bentley-Woode 1985)


Have a brilliant week