Monday, 22 November 2010

Get Prepared

Good Morning Champions,
As we gradually draw closer to Christmas and the end of the wonderfully productive 2010. I urge you to GET PREPARED!. 'Preparation according to TR Bentley-Woode (1985) ' the catalyst to greatness'. Henry Ford further suggests that 'Before everything else, getting ready is the secret to success'. Are you getting ready for 2011? 

Grab a pen, grab a piece of paper and start writing down all the thing you want [desire] to achieve in 2011. Infact do it NOW. There is no time like the present!

Infact STOP! Before we begin to write down these desires and dreams for 2011 - I would like to share a simple illustrative story I was opportune to hear a while ago.

During the labouring and sowing season, a local farmer decided that he would sit back and watch the other farmers sweat, plant and toil their fields. As he sat back and observed, he uttered 'look at these silly idiots, dripping with sweat, exhausted and yet they have no results to show for it'. Over the next months, the lazy farmer, ridiculed the other farmers and suggested that they had wasted their time and efforts and would not see any growth or fruition from their labouring. However, they waited patiently with the understanding if the right seeds are sown, the appropriate crops will manifest. Unsuprisingly, then came the reaping season. The seeds and the prepared ground, began to manifest a multitude of crops for the unrelenting farmers who had exert the correct effort at the right time and season. [Im sure you understand the context of the story.]

Without fully understanding it, I had been introduced to the concept/ the idea/ the law of sowing and reaping. Personally, this story stirred an inquisitiveness and unrelenting search to understand the principles of sowing & reaping to a greater depth. 

In the most simplest term, this principle suggests that whatever you sow, you will reap. Not might reap, not maybe reap. Certainly, you will reap. Just as the computer acroymn suggests - GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) - You will undoubtfully gain whatever you insert into the cycle of life! 
As the story above suggests, the farmers who sowed & endevoured saw their hard work rewarded. They laid their foundation and understood the simple irrevocable law of the land.

The idea of sowing and reaping has been around for centuries, with the Bible mentioning sowing and reaping on numerous occassion, for example in Galatian, it states 'Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap'. Further theories have surfaced to corroborate the ideas of sowing and reaping. For example, a number of eastern religions refer to it as Karma, where as some others call it retributive justice
As we step into the new year, I implore you to ensure that you have established your foundations and have sown the right seed and are ready to take on 2011 with full force. GET PREPARED...Miguel De Cervantes quoted that ...'To be prepared is half the victory'. For instance, if you adopt the attitude of a champion, you will potray the characteristics of a champion and act like a champion.

GET PREPARED....Write down your expectations, your desires and make a detailed plan of how you intend to achieve these goals.

You will reap what you sow.

If you sow negativity and doubt, unfortunately.....You already know the answer. If you sow hard work, the rewards will be your goals and desire.

Get prepared now. Start sowing your seeds now. Take 2011 with full force

Have a brilliant week.

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