Monday, 13 December 2010


Happy morning people,

They say attitude is everything. The great William James once said "the greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind".

It is extremely important from last weeks discussion to remember that there is nothing wrong with dreaming big in fact "the bigger and more often you dream the more likely you will wake to paradise" Atkins 1985
It’s very understandable that you may cruise along a path infested with hurdles; nevertheless hurdles can be overcome with the right attitude in place. I can’t stress enough how important and fundamental this attribute is. It takes effort to mould your character, to always have the correct attitude, and it takes even more energy to refine that character to adapt the ‘right attitude’ in any given circumstance; that’s the skill of a ‘successful person’

Science dictates that "energy can neither be created nor destroyed: it can only be transformed from one state to another" therefore transmuting this and applying it to the attitude attribute, we can see that the right attitude you need to succeed already exists; its up to you to find which works for you and run with it.

Dr Joyce Brothers once said "success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success"…. think about it; remember our discussion from a while back about emotions and how you can control them? YES YOU CAN!! And if worst comes to worst ACT AS IF! Act as if you are the greatest superstar, athlete, entrepreneur, business man/woman, whatever it is that you have your legacy set upon; by "acting as if", in a sense you transmute all the energy that already exists into you and slowly but surely your attitude will adapt to your state of mind.

Try to imagine right now that your attitude is a blank canvas, start afresh today right now, decide the attitude you want to have and portray along your journey to a better quality of life; you may be thinking this will never work but like Ralph Charell once said "nobody succeeds beyond his or her wildest expectations unless he or she begins with some wild expectations".

Remember "your attitude is crucial to your success and existence; in fact IT IS a matter of life and death, we live to be happy, so why not be happy with the right attitude" Bentley-Woode 1985


Happy holidays

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