Monday, 21 February 2011

People Added Value [PAV]

I would like to use this opportunity to welcome our new subscribers. I am confident that you will gain, learn and be empowered to reach your hearts desires. Thank you for coming on the journey of success with us. I am sure you will enjoy the dynamic ride.

However, today, I feel that things should be done slightly different. I would like to use this platform to talk about someone else, your neighbour, your parents, your best friend. Infact, anyone who is not you.

I am sure we are all aware of the substantiated theory of sowing & reaping [Law of return, Karma, Cause & Effect, etc]. These theories all imply that if you carry out a particular action, you will be rewarded/recompensed, in a positive or negative form. Regardless, no matter what happens, you will be retributed. With this in mind - As I mentioned above Today is not about you, it is not about what you will gain from your effort or energy expended. It is about your family, it is about our future, it is about your friends and most importantly about somebody else. Follow me!

Over time I have come to understand the power in People Added Value [PAV]. Firstly 'Value' is generally described as the 'Concepts of worth', in support the Oxford English Dictionary defines Value as '... importance'. Therefore People Added Value [PAV] refers to the importance or worth we choose to place on people.

"If people did not prefer reaping to sowing, there would not be a hungry person in the land" Unknown author

Let us Today do some thing that will cause a rippling effect in our societies, communities and overall our greed-driven and self-rewarding capitalist nation. Today I believe if we are willing to forgo our benefits and become selfless, we can make a difference.

Jan Denise, author on behavioural patterns, could not have made a greater statement, she suggested that "...Today, I will know the unadulterated joy of giving with no strings. I acknowledge that sometimes I hope for praise or reciprocation when I give... and that detracts from the joy of giving. Today, the giving will be my joy... I will sow for the joy of sowing..." .  Say it and do it 'Today Giving will be my joy'.

Regardless of your circumstance Today, many of us are in a more fortunate position than others. Let us begin to utilise this blessing and Start Today to Give without the need for instant gratification. I urge you, to give not to receive this week. Give because it is the right. PAV can change an entire nation. PAV can gradually encourage social responsibility and involvement. Joseph Smith, Jr noted, 'If my life is of no value to my friends it is of no value to myself'.

Try these - A number of ways we can make a difference this week - Examples

1. Help an impaired person[s]
2. Give a word of encouragement or compliment to a stranger [you never know what they are going through]
3. Donate to a charity [The make a wish Foundation is an exceptional charity]
4. Donate 1 hour to volunteering [Regardless of your schedule we can all spare 1 hour - Maybe dont watch Eastenders]
5. Buy a friend or family a book
6. Give a stranger a gift [Nothing illegal please]
7. Tutor a child
8. Give some unwanted/wanted items to charities

Feel free to tell us some of your suggestions on how to make a world a more pleasant place to live. I am eager to hear some of your plans.

TR Bentley-Woode (1985) suggested that one must "remember that the society we create now will influence your future generation. Make it habitable".

Have a brilliant day


  1. WOW.I think we should think about others more. This can help

  2. But why spoil your message with ;One so many type faces or fonts & Two such a small pitch [tiny letters]? Think of your would-be readers...

  3. Very refreshing indeed;PAV indeed
