Monday, 28 March 2011

Back To The Future

Imagine one day you discovered a way in which you could project yourself into your own future…would it be dramatically revolutionary?.... OR would it be cataclysmically detrimental to your destiny?

When we have ‘good’ dreams we are transported into a world of imagination that appears almost lifelike in that time. All our wildest fantasies become reality and our desires manifest into uncontrollable pleasures; ever had one of those nights?? yes

You see on one hand you could intervene with destiny and accidently propelling the course of your future for the latter. The vicissitude of your dreams will now become something you may not want and in turn be out of your control. BUT!!...WHAT IF…

Lets fast-track forward to YOUR future. Imagine you can see right now, for yourself, how successful you have become and see what your life is like in the next 10, 15-20 years. All your goals achieved, your living a fulfilling life surrounded by all your loved ones (including ‘enemies’; we all know at times they are a great source of motivation).  How would you deal with it? Would you take notes, record it on your camera phone? Be in a state of joyful shock and all you can do is smile and cry?

I’m here to tell you that you can…today, right now! The key is your imagination. It’s right there in front of you. Successful people use is all the time. They travel 'back to the future' pretty much every productive day of their lives.

There is a word I hear many people using very frequently in their vocabulary; ‘impossible’. I believe this should be eradicated and forgotten all together, from now on it should be replaced with the word ‘improbable’ and phrases such as; ‘not sure but lets find out’ and ‘I’m working on a solution’. You see once you change this paradigm you become unbeatable:

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

So you see your destiny is NEVER, NEVER…NEVER ‘impossible’!

The brilliant futurist and inventor Ray Kurweil said, “Even by common wisdom, there seems to be both people and objects in my dreams that are outside myself, but clearly they were created in myself and are part of me, they are mental constructs in my own brain.” He went on further to say “A successful person isn't necessarily better or worse than his/her successful peers at solving problems; their recognition is in learning what problems are worth solving.”


Have an amazing trip this week!

Monday, 21 March 2011

What if?

I would like to personally invite everyone, to take a few moments today, to be grateful and thankful for your safety and health as we bear Japan in our thoughts. We must use periods like this to reflect and recognise that life is a gift and should be treasured. We do not know what lies in wait tomorrow; therefore we must endeavour to live our lives to the fullest, embracing family, friends, and opportunities.

I once read a publication, titled 'what if'. I remember reading this article and saying to myself, what if I don’t get to tell my mum I love her, what if I don’t pursue my goals, what if, what if and what if. Today, I ask you the same question 'What if? '. What if you never achieve your heart's desires/goals? I would like you to carefully consider the following question! Which is less painful? Attempting to pursue your goals and failing or living in regret of never pursuing them at all?

According to Freidman (1956) where he suggested that"...regret is one of life greatest cause of emotional pain". Jackie Joyner further suggested, "it is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret". What a profound statement. What if!

'The only thing you live to regret are the risks you didn’t take'. Imagine if Thomas Sullivan [inventor of teabags] choose to ignore his desires and goals, what would we drink whilst watching coronation street? or  if the famous Wright Brothers hadn’t pursued their goals of inventing the first manned aeroplane in 1903. Or even Mark Zuckerberg of facebook, one of the youngest billionaires in the world, had deciede to sit back and not create one if the most powerful social tools in the world today. 'What if' any of those named above had chosen to stand still. Just what if!

What if Perry Spencer had not invented the microwave oven [what would I eat tonight?]
What if William Kelloggs had not taken risks, what would breakfast time be like?
What if Arthur Wynne hadn’t developed the crossword puzzle in 1913, your train journeys would be extremely boring.What if Walter Diemer hadn’t developed chewing gum, then bad breathe couldn’t be disguised in the absence of toothpaste.

Ask yourself today - would you like to live a life of ‘What ifs’ or would life be more fulfilling if you took your goals in your hand and made it happen. Mercedes Lackey wrote "If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world."

The truth is that failure can be a painful experience, however, it is and will always be an opportunity to learn and develop. Einstein, failed many times, but he was anti 'what if'. He knew that the pain associated with regret was far greater than that of failure. 'Atkins suggested that 'failure is standing down when there is still hope, there is always hope'.

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly."

Don’t live your life in regret. Make it happen today.

Have a fantastic week

Monday, 14 March 2011

Imagine My Words...: Be honest with yourself!

Imagine My Words...: Be honest with yourself!: Edgar J. Mohn “A lie has speed, but truth has endurance”.

Be honest with yourself!

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

Let me quote Goodman 1985…“Sometimes its better to be on the loosing side to then win for the right reason, rather than be on the winning side to then loose for the wrong reasons”
With this in mind lets discuss one of the fundamental problems we face in today’s society, across the globe and in every aspect of life. Whether it being in the realm of relationships, religion, our working environment and even politics; dishonesty is manifesting like a virus.
'Some people will not tolerate such emotional honesty in communication'. They would rather defend their dishonesty on the grounds that it might hurt others. Therefore, having rationalized their phoniness into nobility, they settle for superficial ‘relationships’.

Oliver Wendell said it the best; when he suggested that“children do pretty much all the honest truth telling in the world”.
This is very true indeed and it’s plain to see. At times when you look deeper into this trait, many successful men and women of today’s era have kept this child-like honesty about themselves.

Their intentions and actions correlate very closely with their self-belief and not their ‘controlled’ beliefs. Due to the ridiculous amount of dishonesty we are bombarded with on a daily basis through, media, social dynamics, teaching institutions etc, we have to use our common sense to decipher what we allow our self to take in. After this point, “you win by how you ‘action’ the information into your life, that’s real motivation” TR Bentley-Woode

What am I getting at you ask?

Well let me ask you, what are the real reasons why you would: change your hair colour, wear certain clothing, associate with a certain demographic, choose a specific spiritual path, choose a certain university/college, choose a certain career path?... etc the list is endless. The question at the end of the day is, who is it for?

I’m sure you will be very quick to answer '…of course myself”, but please take a moment to really think about it thoroughly.

“It is not difficult to deceive the first time, for the deceived possesses no antibodies; unvaccinated by suspicion, she overlooks lateness, accepts absurd excuses, permits the flimsiest patching to repair great rents in the quotidian” John Updike.

SO here’s a start to the solution:
Honesty Life Circle: 
What I want you guys to do today is be 100% honest with yourself so you can progress and grow as an individual. 

and you can find out what aspects of your life your not being completely honest with, needs improving and by how much.

It is very simple, the diagram shows the number of points you can assign ranging from 1-10. 1 is the minimum amount of points which means you are totally dissatisfied and 10 is the maximum which means you are totally satisfied (i.e. there is no room for improvement. When you have completed the chart, simply connect the points. If you find that there are areas that you would like to improve, then go ahead and do it today.

Remember, according to Edgar J. Mohn “A lie has speed, but truth has endurance”. Try not to lie to yourself today. This is one of the best things you can do for yourself if you haven’t done it before!!

Have a honest week

Explore the honesty circle of life

Monday, 7 March 2011

The secret behind 'Motivation'

Over the last weeks, I have received numerous emails from some of you guys, concerning the topic your motivation and feeling uninspired to go on. I promised I would address it, as the topic of motivation is imperative to our success. Andrew Carnegie, often regarded as the second richest man in history, implied that "People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents". [Mediocrity is not our thing]

According to Goodman (1974), many of us link the notion of work and exercise with pain. Going to work, doing homework, in-fact washing the dishes was also included in this writing. Goodman’s writing proves very important in understanding why motivation and its practices are significant.

Have you ever wondered why every sporting champion or athlete receives a pep talk, listens to an uplifting audiotape or stares intensely at a family or loved ones picture before an activity or event is carried out? Their reasons are simple. They are aware of something most of us are not. They understand a secret!. They are aware that 'motivation' is temporary. They are conscious that for high levels of performance, they require a regular 'jab/dose' of pure unadulterated motivation.

When was your last dose of motivation?

Zig Ziglar hit the nail on the head, when he quoted "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."

I dare say, many of us are still running on last year’s dosage or even a spurt of motivation from 5/6/10 years ago. Yet you wonder why things are not how they should be. Follow my lead!

As humans beings, we all have reasons for doing anything, a notion we rightfully refer to as motive.

Tony Dorsett mentioned "To succeed...You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you". Ask yourself today, 'What is motivating me? What is my motive?'

Are you a student in your final academic year, who feels lethargic and uninspired. Then, re-asses your source of motivation. Believe me, you cannot just choose to be motivated. Real motivation must be drawn from an inner emotion, which arouses an action [motivation]. Reynolds (1963) suggested that 'motivation can be compared to a storage tank. You hold reservoirs of emotions, desires, wants, ect, and when it is needed, it is released and causes you to move in a certain direction.

After a number of attempts to find evidence to substantiate my understanding of the motivational theory. I came across this definition, which implied that. "...Motivation is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the [your] action; that which gives purpose and direction to behaviour'.

Motivation is the [your] reason for action. It produces a sense of purpose and direction. Therefore, this is why your goals and desires are so important. They hold the emotional hall pass to the fulfilment of your destiny. You must understand that without motivation [motive], you will struggle to find the empowerment to carry out the necessary action to succeed (Bentley-Woode).

As I mentioned earlier, you must find ways of constantly topping up your motivational tank. For example, if you have a dream car, go an test drive that car, sit in it, take pictures of it and create an emotional attachment to it, this will be serve to inspire you when the need a burst of motivation when working towards attaining your car, etc.

Motivation must be drawn out of your desires. Spend today, writing down your desires and goals.

A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning (Pat Riley). Are you a champion?

Have a brilliant week