I would like to personally invite everyone, to take a few moments today, to be grateful and thankful for your safety and health as we bear Japan in our thoughts. We must use periods like this to reflect and recognise that life is a gift and should be treasured. We do not know what lies in wait tomorrow; therefore we must endeavour to live our lives to the fullest, embracing family, friends, and opportunities.
I once read a publication, titled 'what if'. I remember reading this article and saying to myself, what if I don’t get to tell my mum I love her, what if I don’t pursue my goals, what if, what if and what if. Today, I ask you the same question 'What if? '. What if you never achieve your heart's desires/goals? I would like you to carefully consider the following question! Which is less painful? Attempting to pursue your goals and failing or living in regret of never pursuing them at all?
According to Freidman (1956) where he suggested that"...regret is one of life greatest cause of emotional pain". Jackie Joyner further suggested, "it is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret". What a profound statement. What if!
'The only thing you live to regret are the risks you didn’t take'. Imagine if Thomas Sullivan [inventor of teabags] choose to ignore his desires and goals, what would we drink whilst watching coronation street? or if the famous Wright Brothers hadn’t pursued their goals of inventing the first manned aeroplane in 1903. Or even Mark Zuckerberg of facebook, one of the youngest billionaires in the world, had deciede to sit back and not create one if the most powerful social tools in the world today. 'What if' any of those named above had chosen to stand still. Just what if!
What if Perry Spencer had not invented the microwave oven [what would I eat tonight?]
What if William Kelloggs had not taken risks, what would breakfast time be like?
What if Arthur Wynne hadn’t developed the crossword puzzle in 1913, your train journeys would be extremely boring.What if Walter Diemer hadn’t developed chewing gum, then bad breathe couldn’t be disguised in the absence of toothpaste.
Ask yourself today - would you like to live a life of ‘What ifs’ or would life be more fulfilling if you took your goals in your hand and made it happen. Mercedes Lackey wrote "If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world."
The truth is that failure can be a painful experience, however, it is and will always be an opportunity to learn and develop. Einstein, failed many times, but he was anti 'what if'. He knew that the pain associated with regret was far greater than that of failure. 'Atkins suggested that 'failure is standing down when there is still hope, there is always hope'.
"Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly."
Don’t live your life in regret. Make it happen today.
Have a fantastic week
Excellent write-up this week guys. It's so true that the time that we have on this earth is so short. It's never too late to pursue our goals..accept when we're dead. Now is the time to make things happen.