Good afternoon fellow champions
Einstien said, “the most fundamental question you will ever ask yourself is do I believe in a friendly or hostile universe”
In some ways he was referring to why we have patterned thinking; it is what denotes our character. Last year we spoke about a very special part of our brain that allows focus in our minds by associations.
The RAS [Reticular Activating System] sits in the base of the brain and connects to various other parts, its key role is in screening incoming information and is responsible for alertness. It helps you interpret the world and your experience of it, by filtering out the things it thinks are not of relevance to you, and drawing your attention to those things in which it thinks will be of interest. The point of goal setting is its ability to program your RAS so that your interpretation, understanding and experience of the world is the one you want it to be. Now let me ask you when was the last time you gave your RAS a real service?
A new year is almost here and you need to evaluate what has happened throughout the year, compare the goals that you set for yourself last year and see what you achieved and didn’t achieve; more importantly why you didn’t. “Winners always look for reason for failure in order to learn” Goodman 1985
To help you on your way lets remember the seven rules of goal setting for this new coming year (2012)
1. Choose to change – “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results”
2. Grow into goal – “to make the growth choice instead of the fear choice a dozen times a day is to move a dozen times a towards self-actualisation”
3. Goals must harmonize – “ definiteness of purpose makes you aware of opportunities related to your major purpose, and it inspires the courage to act on them”
4. Focus, focus, focus – “here is the key to success and the key to failure: we become what we think about”
5. Watch your self talk – “ a ship is very big, and it is pushed by strong winds. But a very small rudder controls that big ship, making it go wherever the person want”
6. Be passionate – “the heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing”
7. Take personal responsibility – “persistence is the true measure of your belief in yourself and your ability to succeed”
The countdown has begun and its time for you to set the foundations to a new year. Whatever has happened this year is important to note but not relevant for movement.
Jim Rohn said beautifully, “either you run the day or the day runs you”……so START RUNNING YOUR LIFE AGAIN, get your RAS in check and move forward.
Like Alfred Montapert believed for 2012 “expect problems and eat them for breakfast”.
Where that ‘Spartan’ spirit, LETS GO!!!!
Have a good week
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