Bertrand Russell once said, “The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts”.
In hindsight you could be thinking the words spoken by Mark Twain; “In 20 years, you will be more disappointed in what you didn’t do than by what you did do”….don’t allow this to be the case.
The way in which today’s societies have evolved over the last 50 years has been amazing to monitor. It is almost as if ideas, beliefs, cultures and even peoples ways of life has spun 180 degrees; it is better to not conform when creating new ideas in order to change the world, it is almost ‘crazy’ to have traditional beliefs in certain respects, you are absolutely ‘nuts’ if you fail to try and experience new cultures and its almost the best practice not to conform to the ‘rules and regulations’ of modern societies.
In essence you have to create and rebrand yourself effectively as a niche ‘product’ obviously relative to your goals, nevertheless there is a problem; if everyone else has identified this to be the case then how do you still differentiate yourself from the clutches of saturation? The answer is simple, and it is the way in which I interpret an old Zen proverb, “before enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water”. To me, once you have become a success in your mind and when ready to apply your force in ‘real-time‘ you have to be assiduous at every conjunction. It is the only way!
I have never come across any short cuts that work without creating new issues…. to do things right you just have to DO THEM. On the periphery of my vision I recall reading wise words that uttered, “if you want your dreams to come true the first thing you have to do is WAKE UP!” – SO WAKE UP!!!, realise that we live in a generation of very talented individuals. The person sitting next to you on the train right now could hold the answer to the world next medical break through of some sort, the person who you went to school with may currently be working on the worlds next conglomerate, the guy who you used to date will achieve that accolade he dreamt of, the girl next door will be the world next superstar entertainer….the list is endless. It is these endless feats that should spark a chain reaction in your internal mind system to succumb to the fact that competition is fierce and to win you have to evolve faster than the person in second place, and at worst if you strive for this pole position, you will most definitely finish runner up ahead of billions of others which is not bad – we cant win them all can we; OR CAN WE!
Make yourself different this week stand up and stand out!
Have a brilliant week
Have a brilliant week
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