Sunday, 22 January 2012

What will you do with it...????

It was Thomas Kida who once said, “…don’t believe everything that you think”.

We live in a society where we are constantly bombarded with information from all angles, hence the era we live in - the information age. Information nowadays travels at light speed, some is received in its truest nature and pure, but most like Chinese whispers becomes convoluted. It has left us in an awkward situation as individuals to deal with such high intense traffic of information, from social networking to news and even education. Interpretation can lead us up and down the correct and incorrect paths, essentially the person who knows ones self and direction of their journey will know what information is worth gathering along the way.

Investing time into your own personal library of thoughts allows you to make sure you know exactly what pieces of information are missing, only the person who has a clear sense of direction and is undeterred by irrelevant kinks in their system will prevail to the final destination.
Being able to filter out what information is useful or not is a skill that comes with experience. It is applicable to all aspects of life. How many times have you argued with loved ones, friends and acquaintances and exhausted valuable time and effort when that energy could have been transmuted into something more productive; we have all been there haven’t we?

The only way to push things forward is to become much more disciplined, we have to be more concise…by the time you have decided what you want to do with the information you have just received someone somewhere has already interpreted it to suit their situation, and has either made good use of it or has let it affect them in a negative way….either way like energy, information is just transformed into something else; its up to the possessor at that instant to do what they wish with it.

From studying some of the most successful people in the world when it comes to utilising information to attain their goals, it is evident to see that there are clear similarities in relation to what they do with it. No matter where the information comes from, they automatically assume that many others have the same information; therefore it becomes a race to the finish line. They also maximise the value of the information to cater to their situation; being decisive allows them to quickly disregard ‘non applicable’ information but nevertheless they may mentally file it away for a later time. These two skills are imperative to learn as a stepping-stone to achieving something worthwhile.

If its only one piece of information you take away with you today let Winston Churchill’s words resonate with you, true genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information”

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 16 January 2012

Get grateful

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom" Marcel Proust

An unknown author caught my attention this week with an amazing quote that I believe can and will transform the way you live your life, they quoted "If you can't be content with what you have received, be thankful for what you have escaped". Think about it! Regardless of your current circumstance - we all have something to be appreciative and thankful for. Just in case you can not think of any, let me name a few of mine:-

Family - I am surrounded by a loving family, which includes a troublesome sister
Health - I am well and nourished
Friends - I am thankful to have people that I can confide and seek advise from
Relationship - A woman that is supportive of my goals and desires

Im sure you can also name a few. Take a few moments today to write down the things you are grateful for, as Marlon Jacobs stated "There is always, always, always something to be thankful for". William Ward further reiterated this point by quoting "God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today.  Have you used one to say 'thank you'?"

Eric Hoffer stated that "The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings" .Regardless of your adversities and challenges, please understand that they are other aspects of your lives that one must be grateful for. Start today!

Ralph Marston famously noted "What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it-would you be likely to give them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have". Become thankful today.

Have a thankful day

Monday, 9 January 2012

Laying Plans...

Laying Plans…

“the reason for time is so that not everything doesn’t happen at once” Albert Einstein

There is a war going on in everyone’s lives at any one time. We must accept that all warfare is based on deception; it is only through this understanding that we have the opportunity to win. Our subconscious mind is a powerful enemy and acquaintance. We are in a constant battle between right and wrong, desire and opportunity, happiness and sadness etc…only through proper structure can we be victorious.

The general feeling for most of us based on what I have experienced so far is that 2012 is a year for victory; to be victorious we must lay out the correct plans. Think about it, there is a certain methodology when creating masterpieces, whether it comes from heightened intuition, detailed analysis and evaluation or even just pure genius; there is always a method. You will only learn and grow should you choose to accept your personal method, embrace it and move forward. Thus laying down plans for this battle can only bring you one step closer to winning the war and achieving the goals, which you rightly deserve.

Sun Tzu says, “ the general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple where the battle is fought, the general who looses the battle makes a few calculations beforehand, thus do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat…”.

The deity of the universe laid out plans for order or else the would be chaos…how many of you can say you have clear plans in your minds eye right now what are your plans for victory are this year? If you don’t know then I suggest you go back to the drawing board and make some tactical plans for the future you; it is that simple. Whatever you want to be, have and do by laying down your plans right now you will gain the everlasting opportunities to achieve them, if you don’t then you will perish into the abyss of a vicious cycle and become trapped in the system.

A wise man once said “…in some great hour of your life, when you stand face to face with either and awful trail or opportunity, when the structure of ambition and life work crumbles or arises in a moment you will be brave….you can then fold your arms calmly, look out undismayed and undaunted upon the ashes of your hope…” knowing that you have a PLAN! (Goodman 1985)

Who is ready for war this week?...Lets go!!!!

                                        CONSCIOUS MIND VS SUBCONSCIOUS MIND 

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Good Luck

Welcome to the year of vast opportunities, also another proposed world ending, endless romances, London Olympics and celebrations of your fulfilment, or we can just called it 2012.

I would love to begin 2012, by sharing a quote with you by Haran Yahya, he stated a great truth when he said “I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can be fly anywhere on the earth. Then I ask myself the same question”. Ask your self a very simple question right now “why I’m I in the current situation or circumstance that I find myself today” – do you mind if I answer it for you? Maybe it is because you refuse or choose NOT to fly. 

Haran’s metaphor suggests, that we can do anything we wish  [sounds cliché right?], however, there is great truth to it. You just need to follow a few steps. Firstly, decide what is it you wish to achieve, secondly, gain the necessary tools [qualifications, contacts, knowledge, etc] and thirdly and most importantly, take flight, do it, attempt, pursue, chase it NOW, etc.

Let me ask you another question. “If you knew you could not fail, what would you do today”. Please take a moment to think about this question, in fact grab a pen and paper and begin to list down, the things that you would attempt right now if the only consequence of your actions were success. I would :-

•    Tell her that I love her
•    I would empty my bank account and start that new business
•    I would bungee jump
•    I would work my arse off and gain that well deserved promotion.


They say ‘Red Bull’ gives you wings to endure your day. Well I believe the knowledge that you can’t fail can empower you to endure your year.

Many of us fail to fly, simply due to the crippling fear associated with failure. Have you ever seen a baby bird learning to fly, its climbs to the edge of the branch and leaps off, knowing that its wings will carry it [I made this up, I have no idea how a little bird learns to fly, but hey its sounds cool right?] Imagine how great you will feel, if you take a risk and you win. You will be and feel unstoppable! And that’s where champions are made.

I have always wanted to say this – so fly little birdie, fly.

Have a great week