Welcome to the year of vast opportunities, also another proposed world ending, endless romances, London Olympics and celebrations of your fulfilment, or we can just called it 2012.
I would love to begin 2012, by sharing a quote with you by Haran Yahya, he stated a great truth when he said “I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can be fly anywhere on the earth. Then I ask myself the same question”. Ask your self a very simple question right now “why I’m I in the current situation or circumstance that I find myself today” – do you mind if I answer it for you? Maybe it is because you refuse or choose NOT to fly.
Haran’s metaphor suggests, that we can do anything we wish [sounds cliché right?], however, there is great truth to it. You just need to follow a few steps. Firstly, decide what is it you wish to achieve, secondly, gain the necessary tools [qualifications, contacts, knowledge, etc] and thirdly and most importantly, take flight, do it, attempt, pursue, chase it NOW, etc.
Let me ask you another question. “If you knew you could not fail, what would you do today”. Please take a moment to think about this question, in fact grab a pen and paper and begin to list down, the things that you would attempt right now if the only consequence of your actions were success. I would :-
• Tell her that I love her
• I would empty my bank account and start that new business
• I would bungee jump
• I would work my arse off and gain that well deserved promotion.
They say ‘Red Bull’ gives you wings to endure your day. Well I believe the knowledge that you can’t fail can empower you to endure your year.
Many of us fail to fly, simply due to the crippling fear associated with failure. Have you ever seen a baby bird learning to fly, its climbs to the edge of the branch and leaps off, knowing that its wings will carry it [I made this up, I have no idea how a little bird learns to fly, but hey its sounds cool right?] Imagine how great you will feel, if you take a risk and you win. You will be and feel unstoppable! And that’s where champions are made.
I have always wanted to say this – so fly little birdie, fly.
Have a great week
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