Monday, 9 January 2012

Laying Plans...

Laying Plans…

“the reason for time is so that not everything doesn’t happen at once” Albert Einstein

There is a war going on in everyone’s lives at any one time. We must accept that all warfare is based on deception; it is only through this understanding that we have the opportunity to win. Our subconscious mind is a powerful enemy and acquaintance. We are in a constant battle between right and wrong, desire and opportunity, happiness and sadness etc…only through proper structure can we be victorious.

The general feeling for most of us based on what I have experienced so far is that 2012 is a year for victory; to be victorious we must lay out the correct plans. Think about it, there is a certain methodology when creating masterpieces, whether it comes from heightened intuition, detailed analysis and evaluation or even just pure genius; there is always a method. You will only learn and grow should you choose to accept your personal method, embrace it and move forward. Thus laying down plans for this battle can only bring you one step closer to winning the war and achieving the goals, which you rightly deserve.

Sun Tzu says, “ the general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple where the battle is fought, the general who looses the battle makes a few calculations beforehand, thus do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat…”.

The deity of the universe laid out plans for order or else the would be chaos…how many of you can say you have clear plans in your minds eye right now what are your plans for victory are this year? If you don’t know then I suggest you go back to the drawing board and make some tactical plans for the future you; it is that simple. Whatever you want to be, have and do by laying down your plans right now you will gain the everlasting opportunities to achieve them, if you don’t then you will perish into the abyss of a vicious cycle and become trapped in the system.

A wise man once said “…in some great hour of your life, when you stand face to face with either and awful trail or opportunity, when the structure of ambition and life work crumbles or arises in a moment you will be brave….you can then fold your arms calmly, look out undismayed and undaunted upon the ashes of your hope…” knowing that you have a PLAN! (Goodman 1985)

Who is ready for war this week?...Lets go!!!!

                                        CONSCIOUS MIND VS SUBCONSCIOUS MIND 

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