How bad do you want it?
I guess Travie McCoy seems to want it really, really bad, infact so fricking bad as suggested in his song -
Travie McCoy - Billionaire (feat. Bruno Mars)
Maybe I should re-phrase that question and ask 'What do you really want?'. Because, before you can want something really, really bad, you must have knowledge of what you want!. Therefore, what are your goals?, what are your aspirations?, what gets you excited when you thnk about it?.
If we scan briefly through history, those who have excelled clearly knew what they wanted and pushed to achive it. For example, Martin Luther King, stood for the advancement of civil rights through non violent methods. Duncan Bannatyne, the scottish entrepeneur knew that he was no longer satisfied with the poor and sub-standard life he was living. Duncan Bannatyne now runs a multitude of successful business. (Read Duncan Bannatyne - Anyone can do it). Very inspiring!.
Unfortunately, it's a damn shame that success, wealth, recogniton,etc, doesn’t just magically fall on our lap or grow on the nearest oak tree. These things have to be summoned (eagerly demanded). They can and will only be attained through a process. A process of desire and perspiration.
International motivational speaker, Tom Krause, made one of the most profound statements to date. He suggested that “If you don't want it bad enough to risk losing it”. Imagine that. Your desire must be great enough to accelerate you.
That desire must be overpowering. You must desire to the extent of fascination or near delusion. Otherwise as Krause mentioned, 'you risk losing it.'
However, the million dollar question is ‘what do you want’? Do you know what you want? What are your goals? Do you really want them?
Think about this (1) - Have you ever wondered why 95% of the world's wealth is controlled by a mere 5% of the population. Think about this (2) - Do you want to know why many of us will never achieve success…
Answer to question 1 – Because of the value they place on attaining that goal.Answer to question 2 – Because of the value we place on attaining our goals.
It all simply comes down the value you place on what you want. The Oxford English Dictionary describes value as "the importance, worth, or usefulness of something".
How important is achieving your goal? What value have you placed on achieving them? Simply put, if the value you place on your goals are low or unimportant, then are you really going to be determined to push on when the going gets tough? Probably not!
Set your sight on the things that are 'important' to you and determine how much value you place on them. As Charles Garfield write "Value provide perspective in the best of times and the worst". The value you place on achieving your goal is paramount to you achieving it. It will be your drive when the going gets tough.
Consider today what is important to you.
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