Monday, 27 September 2010

How bad do you want it?

How bad do you want it?

I guess Travie McCoy seems to want it really, really bad, infact so fricking bad as suggested in his song - 

Travie McCoy - Billionaire (feat. Bruno Mars)

Maybe I should re-phrase that question and ask 'What do you really want?'. Because, before you can want something really, really bad, you must have knowledge of what you want!. Therefore, what are your goals?, what are your aspirations?, what gets you excited when you thnk about it?.

If we scan briefly through history, those who have excelled clearly knew what they wanted and pushed to achive it. For example, Martin Luther King, stood for the advancement of civil rights through non violent methods. Duncan Bannatyne, the scottish entrepeneur knew that he was no longer satisfied with the poor and sub-standard life he was living. Duncan Bannatyne now runs a multitude of successful business. (Read Duncan Bannatyne - Anyone can do it). Very inspiring!.

Unfortunately, it's a damn shame that success, wealth, recogniton,etc, doesn’t just magically fall on our lap or grow on the nearest oak tree. These things have to be summoned (eagerly demanded). They can and will only be attained through a process. A process of desire and perspiration.
International motivational speaker, Tom Krause, made one of the most profound statements to date. He suggested that “If you don't want it bad enough to risk losing it”. Imagine that. Your desire must be great enough to accelerate you.

That desire must be overpowering. You must desire to the extent of fascination or near delusion. Otherwise as Krause mentioned, 'you risk losing it.'
However, the million dollar question iswhat do you want’? Do you know what you want? What are your goals? Do you really want them?

Think about this (1) - Have you ever wondered why 95% of the world's wealth is controlled by a mere 5% of the population. Think about this (2) - Do you want to know why many of us will never achieve success…

Answer to question 1 – Because of the value they place on attaining that goal.Answer to question 2 – Because of the value we place on attaining our goals.

It all simply comes down the value you place on what you want. The Oxford English Dictionary describes value as "the importance, worth, or usefulness of something".

How important is achieving your goal? What value have you placed on achieving them? Simply put, if the value you place on your goals are low or unimportant, then are you really going to be determined to push on when the going gets tough? Probably not!

Set your sight on the things that are 'important' to you and determine how much value you place on them. As Charles Garfield write "Value provide perspective in the best of times and the worst". The value you place on achieving your goal is paramount to you achieving it. It will be your drive when the going gets tough.

Consider today what is important to you.

Have a brilliant week

Lets talk!!
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Monday, 20 September 2010

Enrich Your Mind

Enrich Your Mind
Hello and a very good Monday morning.
If you were asked, ‘are you an educated person?’...Most people would immediately respond, YES!
With that in mind lets explore this realm a little deeper. The word ‘education’ derives from the Latin word ‘educare’ meaning ‘bring up’ which is also related to ‘educere’ meaning, "bring out", "bring forth what is within", "bring out potential". 
If you are lucky enough to be brought up in a society where access to ‘education’ is available you generally are ‘educated’ to a basic level; understanding Numeracy, Literacy and the world of Science; they call this the ‘education system’, I call it, the learning system!
Any healthy able human being can learn; we have to, in order to survive as a species. For example you are shown how to add, subtract, read, write etc. It is then up to you to educate your mind and body in order to harness the greatness that is within you. Try not to get it confused; the ‘education system’ is put together as a platform ONLY for you to discover the calibre of person you are destined to be. This is exactly why not everyone is a doctor, engineer, athlete etc, and it is the same reasons why teachers cant make you a success they can only open the door; it requires you to walk through.
ALL 6.8 billion of us are made up of EXACLTY the same material that exists in our universe just with slightly different amounts and orientations.  Now, we can either enhance the natural capability already programmed within us to achieve, whether you’ve been configured to be musician, inventor, golfer, pilot regardless; or we can CHOOSE to enhance the parts of us that are not so ‘strong’ depending on our goals and aspirations in life.
So you see YOU CAN BE WHO AND WHATEVER YOU WANT TO BE, its already within you; but what you must realise is that you need to enrich and educate your mind and body you need to ‘BRING OUT FORTH WHAT IS WITHIN’.
Goodman once said ‘’you have one mind, but many weapons’’….think about it!
I once had the privilege of meeting a very successful young 19 year old from America, who had achieve so much at a young age. He was MD of his own ecommerce company with $2M annual turnover, a star athlete and preparing to embark on a University Degree at MIT.  I asked him a simple question how did you achieve all you have so far? He said he has always kept a quote from Tien T’ai that he read when he was just 13; "Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result."  He decided to educate what was already within him to further and excel him to the next level of success. You can to, you just have to want it that bad!
So now let me ask you, are you an educated person?
Remember ‘’relatively you can learn in a short space of time but it takes a lifetime to educate yourself’’. Bentley-Woode (1985)
Have brilliant week
Lets talk!!
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Hello, Good morning

They say fear is "an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a treat…’’

Infact you don’t have to look far to notice ALL pioneers, successful men and women throughout history and even your own ‘role models’, have looked at this word as an acronym, False Evidence Appearing Real; AND SO SHOULD YOU!

Throughout our childhood we develop a ‘Conscious Controlling Mind’, which slowly pushes our conscious mind to one side. Scientific studies suggest that the average person has no control or up to 20% control of their lives.

Its extremely shocking initially but just stop and think about all the control measures that are in place in today’s society from chip and pin, education, fashion trends and even media influences about ‘terrorism’ - all created for purpose with a clear goal to impose control on us. The results of numerous researches by leading psychologists John B Watson, Robert Plutchik to Paul Ekman showed that the bell curve indicating where most people are, relating to their personal growth found that:

•    50% of the people from industrialized nations struggle through life in an illusion, feeling there is no way to succeed or control diseases that confront them.
•    30% know they would like to change their life, yet they don't know how so they are stuck where they are in an illusion so they can't see a way out. It is there right in front of them but fear of making a decision to change stops them. They feel safe, yet there are many suffering in pain or low income in positions or jobs they do not like.
•    Only 15% are making changes in their life to obtain success and happiness.
•    When we realize only 5% are successful it is amazing that so few people are really getting the concept of success. It is more appalling when we check further that less than 3% of this 5% think out of the box and are successful at all levels of their life.

If fear is developed as a result of learning, and at the same time if is perceived to be the acronym ‘false evidence appearing real’, then we should be able to learn how to be fear(less). We can break through any barriers that are currently stopping us from progressing towards our short, medium and long-term goals for friends, family and most importantly ourselves.

Lets start to imagine ourselves taking the necessary steps in conquering the false evidence that is in front of us.  Let me ask you a question how many of you have  ‘REALLY’ been committed to setting your goals, staying focused, modelling someone; all the things we talk about every week?

If you have then your one step ahead and starting to fall within the 15% research has shown to be the start of the successful category, which is a good place to start don’t you think?

Lets start to control the one thing that everyone is given for free, that’s our MIND, and lets attack all this ‘false evidence’ that ‘appears real’ with full force.

A wise man once said to me "resisting change is futile, use the opportunity and grow with the situation".

Fear is a limiting - Use this week to understand your strenghts and break all limitations.

Have a brilliant and fearless week - I know you can and will do!



Morning Champions,

May I be the first to say welcome to a new phase in your life!

Before I introduce this mornings message I would like to share a book with you, a book which im sure many of us have either heard about or even read before. 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill. This book hold a multitude of secrets that will enlighten and provide dillegent insight in the mind of champions and those who have treaded our path. Definetly a strong recommendation for all of us seeking growth financially, spritually and of course emotionally.

In light of my journey to fulfilment, I learnt about the ideology of 'engaging your mind' and 'empowered thinking'.
From a spritual and scientific perspective, you must understand that before any form of materialisation or manifestation occurs (attainment of goals), there must be a initial action. Spritually the initial action is 'faith'. Faith in it simplest form is generally refered to as persuasion of the mind that a certain thing/statement is true.
In order to enable you to understand this further - Gandhi suggested that one must,  "Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words, your words become your behaviours, your behaviours become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.You see, manfestation begin with just your thoughts. However, merely thinking about your destiny is not the final solution. You must empower your thought.

Take note!
This is why you will notice that most of my emails, generally refer to your goals and ambitions. I always suggest that you write down your goals, think about them constantly, visualise them and make them a part of you. The Bible encourages in Habbakuk 2.2 -
...Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables...You see, there are a number of reason why writing down and goals helps with empowerment. Susan Velez simply writes, that 'the power behind writing down your goals, is that stay on your mind and in fron of you at all times. If you do not write them down, chances are you will easily forget about them'.

Understanding and being one with your goals ultimately begins with your thoughts.

A number of you have written to me before, suggesting that you find it hard to visualise those huge and great goals that you have. How about this - as Theodore Roosevelt implied "It is hard to fail, but it is worse to never have tried to succeed". Any goal is attainable, if only you can perceive it...It only requires that you can see and develop the capacity to think it to existence.

I am an achiever and so are you. Go forth, KNOW your goals. Embrace them and live them through.
Henry David Thoreau quoted in his early year "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined".

It is about time you take responsibity for your life and success. Start today. Write your goal and detail and make it a part of you.



Good morning all, hope you had a delightful time last week.

Did you choose your role model for the first time, or was it revisiting and revising that person/character(s) attributes that you have chose to model?
If you didn’t, then what is that stopped you from doing so?
‘Commit’ as a verb is to ‘’carry out, pledge or bind oneself to a certain course or policy’’, therefore if ones notion is to be successful, then having a role model of some sort is one of the best tools in your arsenal to be blessed with as its been tried and tested for many years!
There is nothing more satisfying and at the same time appealing about a person than someone who sticks to his or her word.
Sigmund Freud said "thinking is an experimental dealing with small quantities of energy, just as a general moves miniature figures over a map before setting his troops in action"
Thinking about what, how, when, why you want to achieve your goals is only part of the solution, you have to commit every single ounce of energy available to the cause.
Human beings are naturally ‘dreamers’. We think of all the things we desire but a lot of the time we do not stay committed to those dreams and aspirations.
Did you commit to your ‘new years resolution’; sticking to that gym routine, reading that book, travelling to that certain place whatever it was staying committed to is vital to your success and begins to move you from the realm of ‘dreamer’ to ‘achiever’

Choose your battlefield, define clearly your strategy, and assemble your tools for success, do it today there is no benefit in waiting, remember you have control and u can ‘choose your emotion’.
"Use your life for something you really believe in’’ (Goodman 1985)
Have a committed week.

Role Models

Morning Champions,

A wise man once stated that -  "someone has gone before us and set a path for us to follow". Thus suggesting that whatever route we decide to pursue, we have a guiding light and road marking already marked out.

I generally find myself studying and attempting to model characters who have achieved and excelled in my field. I follow their actions, character and endeavours. In saying this, Im sure many of us have seen or come across someone who you might look up to or respect from a career, relationship or spritual perspective. However, have you ever wondered why these particular people are our role-models? Why we look up to them? And why we choose to model or mirror our endeavours on their benchmark?

The answer is rather simply!

Many of them embody a spirit or attitude of excellence! Excellence is not a character developed over night, it is a gradually and consistent effort.

Prepare for excellence.

While we work on developing our excellence, pick a suitable role model, someone who has persevered and excelled in your chosen field. Study them, understand them, what their guiding principles are and so on. Brian Tracy mentioned a while back, success is inevitable, as someone has already made the mistakes, therefore why should you?. 

"Role models are your beacon of light in a dark and long pursuit for happiness" (TR Bentley-Woode).

Jason Shahan quoted that "having a role model in life is a great thing to have: one who provides us with direction and inspiration......". These role models have mastered their craft, put in the required input (time, efforts, finance, etc) and decidicated 110%.

Look at the people like Usain Bolt, the world sprint champion and three time gold medalist. He trained, studied and mastered his craft and perfected his work. Imagine a boxer getting into the boxing ring without the neccassary practise and preperation. He wouldnt last long, would he?

Lets find our role model and model ourselves around them for guidance and inspiration.

Have a brilliant day!

Choose your Emotion!!

Choose your Emotion!!

Good Morning all,
Once again its going to be a fulfilling week just like last week, the week before and the week before that; and so on. Some may argue that this may not be the case I say it comes down to choice.  

‘Emotion is the state of mind deriving from one circumstances, mood or relationships with others’.

In essence an emotion is a very intense feeling, which often involves a physical as well as a mental response and implies outward expression from oneself.  Therefore a person can stop and start to imagine their emotions as a pool of experiences positive and ‘negative’ accessible at any one time, but due to the shear haphazard arrangement of them it is at times difficult to access the appropriate noe for that time and place. Time tells us practice makes perfect and eventually you can make perfect the emotion you fish out.

Our mammalian brain allows toying with rationality and choice hence, why we are at the top of the food chain - WE CHOOSE OUR EMOTIONS IT DOESN’T CHOOSE US!!

Benjamin Franklin suggested that ‘Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen as by little advantages that occur every day’.  
Try it everyday, step by step there’s a promise it works!
So today lets locate and store the necessary arsenal of emotions that you have already inside of you to allow a fulfilling, productive and successful week, a wise man once said 'Decide to be happy and your almost there; its your choice!'

Have an outstanding week

I will succeed! Guaranteed!

I will succeed! Guaranteed!

According to the English Dictionary - Luck is generally defined as “The chance happening of fortunate events”. Which really gives the impression that fortune, success, our desires are a matter better left to chance and wishful thinking!.

I recently came across a concept recognised by scholars, entrepreneurs, parents, in fact most of us, have probably heard about it before – The concept of ‘Cause and Effect’.

Think about it, many of us are left with the understanding, that if you work hard and are persistence in your endeavours, you might with luck on your side fulfil your goals and dreams. I beg to differ.

 Cause and Effect implies that fortune and favour is certain.

Cause and Effect implies that for every event, every situation, every circumstance, an initial endeavour or action (catalyst) triggered it.

Think about it! If every reaction (fulfilment, fortune) is preceded by an initial action, then surely your desires will be fulfilled?

It simply suggests that your input will produce the subsequent output. Brian Tracy, international author and personal coach, stated that success is not accidental, in fact “Success is predictable” – Understand this! You don’t just wake up successful, as a matter of fact, that is virtually impossible. Success is a attainable, through the correct effort and input.

 This week remember that whatever action you carry out, will undeniably produce a result, will it be the result you desire. Make every moment count, make every effort count.

Have a brilliant week

Preparation & Focus?

Preparation & Focus?
Good morning all, the weather in London today is 16°C, dry with scattered clouds and sunny spells across the day. Pollen count is high, wind speed of 3mph south westerly with very good visibility so be sure to leave the umbrellas at home but pop the sunglasses in bag for later……
Have you ever taken a moment to wonder the value of preparation? 

We awake everyday sometimes oblivious to the efforts others have undertook the day, the week, the month, and even the year before. Even a ‘simple’ normality such as the morning’s weather forecast takes time and effort but produces an accurate platform to plan the day ahead.
We all have fallen victim to poor preparation whether it being, late for an event, missing a train, unprepared for exams, parking tickets, poor attitude in the morning etc etc… they all boil down to the preparation we make prior to them occurring. Not only should we pay close attention to the preparation we are making in our lives on a day to day basis, we should also apply it to our lives month to month, year to year and most certainly decade to decade; some view this as unnecessary, ‘SUCCESSFUL’ people call it being focused!!
They say focus is ''the state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition''. Ask yourself today are you really focused?....If not then take a step back and prepare yourself to be so, and if you are then there is no harm in sharpening your sword once in a while.
An old Chinese proverb utters ‘’I dreamed a thousand new paths…I woke and walked my old one’’.

Lets prepare those dreams for action today because they will most certainly stay a dream if our focus is not there!
Have a brilliant week!!

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Music to my soul

Music to my soul.

According to the Collins English Dictionary, the term motivation is generally described as the 'activation or energization of goal-oriented behavior'. Motivation is said to be intrinsic or extrinsic. Thus suggesting that the process of motivation can come from internal values or external activities. Motivation is a significant action required to confidently encourage us to pursue our goal.

Personally many people have found methods of inducing enthusiam or motivation into thier everyday endeavours..

Many of you, like me, suggest that in order to prepare ourselves for the challenges of the day, many of us read motivational messages like this or carry out some other form of activity, for example, reading religious teaching, going for a gentle morning run, going to the gym and many other things.

An interesting form of effective motivation was introduced to me a few months ago. This process has proven rather successful in preparing for my day and week ahead.
I came across a quotes by Cervantes, who implied that 'Music is the cure to our everday woes'. Yes 'Music'!.

According to scientists, over many year, music encourages and inducing emotions from deep within us. Whether on a consious or sub-consious level, Im sure many of us understand the power music has over us and our actions. TR Bentley-Woode stated -
'Where better to conjure up the spirit and boldness needed to face challenges, than music'. TR Bentley-Woode implied that if music is as powerful as many scholars and artist suggests then one should have a theme song that ignite that glorious, consuming and unstoppable feeling.

Let me give you a better understanding. In my line of work, where pressures and stress if constant, many of my colleagues listen to tracks such as the legendary Rocky theme song - Eye of the Tiger - ( This automatically provides a surge of energy or activation (MOTIVATION).

I personally listen to a number of track that instantly get me going, For example Im a Survivor by Destiny Child or Closer to my dream by artist Goapele. I arise up and sleep to this songs. Once you attach importance and emotion to the song that you CHOOSE today. You will see the changes it makes to your life and goals.One of my favourites is (A man who cant be moved by the Script) - This song encourages me in the face of adversity to stand strong and face my goal. BECAUSE I CAN NOT BE MOVE.

A self-employed friend of mine, whenever things are getting heavy and stressful, he resorts to playing a song my JayZ -Show me what you got- ( He suggested that the reason that this song re-motivates him to keep going and pursue his goals, is because the song is simply identical to his goals. He said
'Choose an anthem, make it relevant and make sure your heart is involved and watch, how powerful its effects are'.

I impore you today analyse your favourite songs, select one that you feel is relevant and use it a catalyst when you embark on your daily endeavours. Its work.

I have included a number of my motivational song below. Whenever I hear these songs they ignite a feeling of excitment and determination.

The Script - The man who cant be moved -

The Killers - Human -

Destiny Child - Survivor -

Travis McCoy - I wanna be a billionaire -

Have a brilliant week

Monday, 13 September 2010

Do you want to change?

Good Morning Champions, 

I hope this week's message inspires and contributes to your fulfilment and accomplishment.

India's most prominent figure, Mohandas Gandhi purpoted 'Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position'. Gandhi throughout his existence fought and campaigned for change. You see, Change is imperative. If you resist change, you deny yourself the ability to progress. 

If you are anything like me, I am confident that you have faced a number of barriers and circumstances that may have hindered you, when pursuing those goals YOU have been dreaming and longing for. However, I now believe there is a solution. There is an answer! Infact, there is hope. Your success could be attributed to a relatively simple concept, a concept I introduced many months ago. A concept teachers, entrepeneurs, managers refer to its as the 1 Percent Theory (1%ers). 

Bentley-Woode (1985) suggested that  "success is the complilation of small endavours fulfilled'. You have to understand that success is a not spontaneus occurance, it is the accumulation of little efforts exerted over a period of time. MacMillian further suggested that success is a journey.

In order to prepare yourself for your journey to success, you must, like any solider, prepare himself/herself for battle. Equiping yourself for the strenous, risky, uncomfortable route to freedom.

1%ers allows an individual to assess his/her strengths or weaknesses and make small incremental developments and changes daily, weekly or monthly. 

I read a quote by a man called Robert Collier many months ago, which prompted me to delve deeper into the 1 Percent Theory, Robert Collier noted that 'Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out'.

The 1 Percent Theory simply suggests that you make a consious decision to extert an additional 1 percent effort in everything that you do! Whether it is your friendship, relationship, education, occupation. Infact, anything you believe needs improvement or change.

Change can not occur in an instant. Such as one may not conquer the world in an instant. Small gradual achievements must be YOUR goal TODAY!

1%ers simply encourages us to take an aspect of our life, analyse it, determine our goals and desires and begin to make small incremental changes. 

For example - 

  1. If you usually study 3 hours a day, make effort to add just 1 more hour to your studying daily = An additional 7 hours gained. Wow!
  2. If you only spend 15 minutes a day excerising, make effort to add another 5 minutes to your workout daily - That is an additional 35 minutes towards an effective workout.
  3. Or waking up 15 minutes early than you would usually do, so you can eat an healthy breakfast each morning.

The 1 Percent theory can and will work for any part of your life.

Remember Rollo May said 'Freedom is man's capacity to take a hand in his own development. It is our capacity to mold ourselves'.

Have a great and much fulfilled week.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Change Is Good...

Change Is Good...

Time is the only thing that is out of our control. It is the continuum in which events occur in succession from the past to the present and on to the future.  So if the past gets written everyday, hour, second and so on, the only thing we can manipulate is what we do in the present that affects our future.

For a while we have discussed many topics, and many have appreciated the effect and impact it has had on their journey to success and fulfilment of life; some have seen no change!

Sometimes we have to look at events from a brand new focal point. French philosopher Henri-Louis Bergson convinced many thinkers that, ‘‘immediate experience and intuition is much more significant than rationalism and science for understanding reality’’. So a person can therefore stop and start to imagine how experience and underrated human intuition can sometimes help change.

Bergson once orated with a contagious passion; ‘‘to exist is to change; to change is to mature; to mature is to create oneself endlessly’’. Ask yourself, what changes did you apply to your journey this weekend that will help you keep up with the time that has already been set for you; what did you do different this weekend that will make you a better person for the coming week? How did you evolve with the one thing you cannot control, time?

I say with no sacrifice, there is no victory and this is reinforced by wise words from Goodman; resisting change is futile, use the opportunity and grow with the situation’’.

It doesn’t take science but only simple common sense to accept the saying that, ‘’travel teaches much’’. To grow you have to be willing to travel to new experiences and situations not necessarily physically but more importantly in your mind. WHERE ARE THE INNOVATORS, ARE YOU ONE?

Lets make the time that has been given to us count for something remarkable, and if reaching for the stars is not your idiom, then at least that bar will allow you to his the sky!!

Should it be fear or courage that compels us to change… ?.....I’ll leave it to you to decide!

Have a brand new week!