Monday, 20 September 2010

I will succeed! Guaranteed!

I will succeed! Guaranteed!

According to the English Dictionary - Luck is generally defined as “The chance happening of fortunate events”. Which really gives the impression that fortune, success, our desires are a matter better left to chance and wishful thinking!.

I recently came across a concept recognised by scholars, entrepreneurs, parents, in fact most of us, have probably heard about it before – The concept of ‘Cause and Effect’.

Think about it, many of us are left with the understanding, that if you work hard and are persistence in your endeavours, you might with luck on your side fulfil your goals and dreams. I beg to differ.

 Cause and Effect implies that fortune and favour is certain.

Cause and Effect implies that for every event, every situation, every circumstance, an initial endeavour or action (catalyst) triggered it.

Think about it! If every reaction (fulfilment, fortune) is preceded by an initial action, then surely your desires will be fulfilled?

It simply suggests that your input will produce the subsequent output. Brian Tracy, international author and personal coach, stated that success is not accidental, in fact “Success is predictable” – Understand this! You don’t just wake up successful, as a matter of fact, that is virtually impossible. Success is a attainable, through the correct effort and input.

 This week remember that whatever action you carry out, will undeniably produce a result, will it be the result you desire. Make every moment count, make every effort count.

Have a brilliant week

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