Monday, 20 September 2010

Enrich Your Mind

Enrich Your Mind
Hello and a very good Monday morning.
If you were asked, ‘are you an educated person?’...Most people would immediately respond, YES!
With that in mind lets explore this realm a little deeper. The word ‘education’ derives from the Latin word ‘educare’ meaning ‘bring up’ which is also related to ‘educere’ meaning, "bring out", "bring forth what is within", "bring out potential". 
If you are lucky enough to be brought up in a society where access to ‘education’ is available you generally are ‘educated’ to a basic level; understanding Numeracy, Literacy and the world of Science; they call this the ‘education system’, I call it, the learning system!
Any healthy able human being can learn; we have to, in order to survive as a species. For example you are shown how to add, subtract, read, write etc. It is then up to you to educate your mind and body in order to harness the greatness that is within you. Try not to get it confused; the ‘education system’ is put together as a platform ONLY for you to discover the calibre of person you are destined to be. This is exactly why not everyone is a doctor, engineer, athlete etc, and it is the same reasons why teachers cant make you a success they can only open the door; it requires you to walk through.
ALL 6.8 billion of us are made up of EXACLTY the same material that exists in our universe just with slightly different amounts and orientations.  Now, we can either enhance the natural capability already programmed within us to achieve, whether you’ve been configured to be musician, inventor, golfer, pilot regardless; or we can CHOOSE to enhance the parts of us that are not so ‘strong’ depending on our goals and aspirations in life.
So you see YOU CAN BE WHO AND WHATEVER YOU WANT TO BE, its already within you; but what you must realise is that you need to enrich and educate your mind and body you need to ‘BRING OUT FORTH WHAT IS WITHIN’.
Goodman once said ‘’you have one mind, but many weapons’’….think about it!
I once had the privilege of meeting a very successful young 19 year old from America, who had achieve so much at a young age. He was MD of his own ecommerce company with $2M annual turnover, a star athlete and preparing to embark on a University Degree at MIT.  I asked him a simple question how did you achieve all you have so far? He said he has always kept a quote from Tien T’ai that he read when he was just 13; "Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result."  He decided to educate what was already within him to further and excel him to the next level of success. You can to, you just have to want it that bad!
So now let me ask you, are you an educated person?
Remember ‘’relatively you can learn in a short space of time but it takes a lifetime to educate yourself’’. Bentley-Woode (1985)
Have brilliant week
Lets talk!!
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