Monday, 20 September 2010



Good morning all, hope you had a delightful time last week.

Did you choose your role model for the first time, or was it revisiting and revising that person/character(s) attributes that you have chose to model?
If you didn’t, then what is that stopped you from doing so?
‘Commit’ as a verb is to ‘’carry out, pledge or bind oneself to a certain course or policy’’, therefore if ones notion is to be successful, then having a role model of some sort is one of the best tools in your arsenal to be blessed with as its been tried and tested for many years!
There is nothing more satisfying and at the same time appealing about a person than someone who sticks to his or her word.
Sigmund Freud said "thinking is an experimental dealing with small quantities of energy, just as a general moves miniature figures over a map before setting his troops in action"
Thinking about what, how, when, why you want to achieve your goals is only part of the solution, you have to commit every single ounce of energy available to the cause.
Human beings are naturally ‘dreamers’. We think of all the things we desire but a lot of the time we do not stay committed to those dreams and aspirations.
Did you commit to your ‘new years resolution’; sticking to that gym routine, reading that book, travelling to that certain place whatever it was staying committed to is vital to your success and begins to move you from the realm of ‘dreamer’ to ‘achiever’

Choose your battlefield, define clearly your strategy, and assemble your tools for success, do it today there is no benefit in waiting, remember you have control and u can ‘choose your emotion’.
"Use your life for something you really believe in’’ (Goodman 1985)
Have a committed week.

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